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Uticaj anjonskog i nejonskog tenzida na fizičko-hemijske osobine vodenih rastvora makromolekula / The influence of anionic and nonionic surfactant on the physico-chemical properties of aqueous polymer solutions

<p>Razvoj savremenih sistema za ciljanu aplikaciju farmakolo&scaron;ki aktivne supstance zasniva se na postojanju interakcija između funkcionalnih grupa makromolekula i povr&scaron;inski aktivne materije &scaron;to omogućava kontrolisano oslobađanje, smanjenu toksičnost i bolji režim doziranja leka. Prisustvo tenzida, kako se jos povr&scaron;inski aktivne materije nazivaju, u niskim koncentracijima može značajno da izmeni konformaciju makromolekula i viskozitet sistema, i samim tim pro&scaron;iri mogućnosti primene modifikovanjem svojstava. Stoga je poznavanje fizičko-hemijskih osobina vodenih rastvora makromolekul-povr&scaron;inski aktivna materija neophodno radi dobijanja adekvatnog finalnog proizvoda unapređenih osobina uz primenu optimalnih koncentracija pomoćnih supstanci. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja natrijum lauril sulfata, predstavnika anjonskih tenzida, odnosno polioksietilen (20) sorbitan monooleata, kao &scaron;iroko kori&scaron;ćenog nejonskog tenzida na fizičko-hemijske osobine vodenih rastvora makromolekula karbomera 940 i ksantan gume. U cilju potpunog razumevanja ovih sistema, čiste komponente su prvo analizirane infracrvenom spektroskopijom primenom Fourierove tranformacije. Pona&scaron;anje karbomera 940 odnosno ksantan gume u prisustvu tenzida, ispitano je kombinacijom različitih tehnika (viskozimetrije, konduktometrije, tenziometrije, spektroskopije, spektrofluorimetrije, skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije) koje pružaju uporedive rezultate. Određene vrednosti interakcionih parametara, potvrdjuju hipotezu o postojanju međudejstva između karbomera 940/ksantan gume i ispitivanih tenzida i ukazuju da povećanje koncentracije makromolekula u rastvoru uslovljava &scaron;irenje opsega interakcije. Tenzidom indukovane promene konformacije ksantan gume odnosno karbomera 940 potvrđene su i na mikroskopskom nivou. Takođe, rezultati uticaja ispitivanih tenzida na osobine vodenih rastvora sme&scaron;a karbomera 940 i ksantan gume dobijeni su istim tehnikama. Međudejstvom dva različita polimera bez dodatne sinteze na jeftin i brz način mogu se postići željene karakteristike sistema. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata definisani su matematički modeli primenom metodologije odzivnih povr&scaron;ina i vi&scaron;estruke linearne regresije, čija je validnost statistički potvrđena te se mogu primeniti u optimizaciji i predviđanju fizičko-hemijskih osobina vodenih rastvora analiziranih binarnih sistema.</p> / <p>The possible interactions between polymers and surfactants are of great interest in the development of drug delivery systems, where they improve therapeutic efficiency by the controlled release and reduced toxicity. The addition of even a small amount of surfactant could change the physico-chemical properties of polymer dispersions in terms of viscosity and stability of the system and, consequently, enlarge possibilities for their application. Therefore, understanding the physico-chemical properties of polymer-surfactant aqueous solutions are necessary in order to optimize the formulation of these compounds and consequently to get product with acceptable properties and desired effect. In this thesis the physico-chemical changes of carbomer 940 and xanthan gum influenced by different surfactants were investigated. Widely used anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate, and nonionic polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate were used. In order to completely understand the mechanism of interaction the pure polymers and surfactants were tested by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The behaviour of carbomer 940 as well as xanthan gum in the presence of examined surfactants were analysed by the combination of different techniques such as viscometry, conductometry, tensiometry, spectrophotometry, fluorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The obtained results confirmed the existence of interactions between carbomer 940 / xanthan gum and tested surfactants. Furthermore, the interaction parameters were determined and the polymer saturation points for both surfactants increased with the increase in carbomer 940 and xanthan gum content, respectively. Additionally, the surfactant induced microstructural changes of carbomer 940 as well as xanthan gum were confirmed. Moreover, the physico-chemical properties of the mixture of carbomer 940 and xanthan gum influenced by the addition of anionic and nonionic surfactant were examined by the same techniques. Without additional synthesis the desired characteristics of the system could be achieved by optimizing the interaction between two different polymers. The obtained results were analysed by response surface methodology and multiple linear regression analysis. The defined mathematical models could be used to optimize and predict physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions of the tested binary systems.</p>
Date29 September 2016
CreatorsMilanović Maja
ContributorsKrstonosic Veljko, Dokić Ljubica, Dapčević Hadnađev Tamara, Milić Nataša, Poša Mihalj
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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