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Identification of Optimal Conditions for Dry Drilling (Analytical Approach to Prediction of the Occurrence of BUE)

Lubrication is used during the drilling of aluminum to counter the formation of a built-up-edge (BUE), among other reasons. The elimination of the use of lubricants in drilling of aluminum is important because of the associated high costs of cleaning and disassembly involved in lubrication. The optimal conditions sought in this work include the elimination of the use of lubricants along with the possible attainment of a high material removal rate, which could help in reduction of cost and increase productivity at the same time. BUE has been found to be almost always present in the process of metal cutting at low to moderate speeds. It has been found that a necessary condition for the formation of a BUE is the presence of a negative stress gradient away and normal to the tool rake face. The quantitative equivalence of the effects of temperature and strain rate on flow stress described by the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) [5]. The relationship between the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and chip flow stress implies that a negative Z gradient could be considered equivalent to a negative stress gradient. A series of computer simulations with varied cutting conditions were analyzed to determine the combination of machining variables which yielded a low predicted BUE preferably with a high material removal rate. The results presented here include cases which have a low predicted BUE as well as a high material removal rate.
Date01 May 2003
CreatorsGali, Prasad
Source SetsUtah State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceAll Graduate Theses and Dissertations
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