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A model for the integration of work integrated learning in the technical and vocational education and training colleges in South Africa / Model vir die integrasie van werkgeintegreerde leer in die tegniese en beroepsopleiding en opleidingkolleges in Suid-Afrika / Isibonelelo sokufunda komsebenzi otholakalayo kwezobuchwepheshe nobuchwepheshe bokuqeqesha nokuqeqeshwa kwamakholimu Eningizimu Afrika

Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The majority of the learners completing Grade 12 in South Africa (SA) further their studies in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges (TVETCs). This is because, among other things, colleges seem to be more affordable and accessible in most communities in all the provinces (SA). However, many of these students appear to be struggling to complete their studies owing to failure to complete the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) module, which is a prerequisite for graduating and becoming employable. The researcher was interested to know how the WIL module affects the completion of students’ studies. The researcher approached the investigation as an idealist (constructivist) using a case study design. Data was collected through the semi-structured and focus groups interviews. It was found that, among other things, the WIL module was seldom completed owing to its reliance on the availability of jobs. In addition, the lack of jobs for college students was a result of the curriculum mismatch with employers’ actual needs, in Business Studies in particular. Correspondingly, the Fourth Industrial Revolution threatens job losses, which are likely to affect those with qualifications in Business Studies, hence its selection for this investigation. To address this, the researcher proposed a model which requires the colleges, businesses, government and the communities to collaborate in the creation of projects that cater for the needs of the different communities. Such projects could also help to update the curriculum to be more responsive. In this way, more opportunities for WIL could be created for students. In addition, the researcher proposed three phases for the integration of WIL, and colleges could decide on each depending on their programme specifications. The researcher concludes that no matter how good the models, without collaboration WIL could remain a constraint and qualifications could become meaningless owing to the lack of jobs. Subsequently, the researcher suggests that more research be conducted in line with the development or growth of the business sector. The findings of this study were limited to four selected colleges in the four provinces of SA, yet are applicable and useful to all higher education in the world. / Die meerderheid van die leerders wat graad 12 in Suid-Afrika (SA) voltooi, studeer in die Tegniese en Beroepsonderwys- en Opleidingskolleges (TVETC's). Dit is omdat onder meer kolleges meer bekostigbaar en toeganklik is in die meeste gemeenskappe in al die provinsies (SA). Die meeste van hierdie studente sukkel egter om hul studies te voltooi vanweë die gebrek aan die Work Integrated Learning (WIL) -module, wat 'n voorvereiste is vir die graduering en indiensneming. Die navorser was geïnteresseerd om te weet hoe die WIL-module studente beïnvloed om hul studies te voltooi. Die navorser het die ondersoek benader as 'n idealis (konstruktivis) met behulp van 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp. Data is versamel deur middel van die semi-gestruktureerde en fokusgroeponderhoude. Daar is gevind dat die WIL-module onder andere skaars voltooi is as gevolg van die afhanklikheid van die beskikbaarheid van poste. Daarbenewens was die gebrek aan werk vir universiteitstudente die gevolg van die kurrikulumverskuiwing wat strydig was met die behoeftes van die werkgewers, veral sakestudies. Daarmee saam dreig die Vierde Industriële Revolusie oor werkverliese, wat waarskynlik persone met kwalifikasies uit die sakestudies sal beïnvloed, en daarom gekies vir hierdie ondersoek. Om dit aan te spreek, het die navorser 'n model voorgestel wat vereis dat kolleges, ondernemings, die regering en die gemeenskappe moet saamwerk, en 'n paar projekte skep om in die behoeftes van die verskillende gemeenskappe te voorsien. Sulke projekte kan ook help om die kurrikulum op te dateer vir meer respons. Op hierdie manier kan meer geleenthede vir WIL vir studente geskep word. Daarbenewens het die navorser die drie fases vir die integrasie van WIL voorgestel, en kolleges kan self besluit, afhangende van hul programspesifikasies. Die navorser kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat WIL, ongeag hoe goed die modelle sonder samewerking is, 'n beperking kan bly, en dat kwalifikasies betekenisloos sou raak van wee die gebrek aan werk. Vervolgens stel die navorser voor dat meer navorsing gedoen moet word in ooreenstemming met die ontwikkeling of groei van die sakesektor. Die bevindings van hierdie studie was beperk tot die vier geselekteerde kolleges in die vier provinsies van SA, maar tog toepaslik en nuttig vir alle hoër onderwys in die wêreld. / Iningi labafundi abaphothula iBanga le-12 eSouth Africa (SA) baqhubekisela phambili izifundo zabo emaKholeji wezobuchwepheshe nezokuqeqeshwa (i-TVETCs). Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi, phakathi kokunye, amakolishi abukeka engabizi kakhulu futhi ayatholakala emiphakathini eminingi kuzo zonke izifundazwe (SA). Kodwa-ke, iningi lalaba bafundi libonakala linenkinga yokuphothula izifundo zabo ngenxa yokwehluleka ukuqeda imodyuli ye-Work Integrated Learning (WIL), okuyimfuneko yokuqala yokuthola iziqu nokuqashwa. Umcwaningi wayethanda ukwazi ukuthi imojula ye-WIL ikuthinta kanjani ukuphothulwa kwezifundo zabafundi. Umcwaningi asondele kulolu phenyo njengento efanelekayo (i-constructivist) esebenzisa umklamo wokufunda icala. Idatha yaqoqwa ngokuxoxisana namaqembu ahlelwe ngokwedlule. Kwatholakala ukuthi, phakathi kokunye, imodyuli ye-WIL yayingavunyelwe ukuqedwa ngenxa yokuncika kwayo ekutholakaleni kwemisebenzi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ukuntuleka kwemisebenzi kwabafundi basekolishi bekungumphumela wokungalingani kahle kwekharikhulamu ngezidingo zangempela zabaqashi, ezifundweni zeBhizinisi. Ngokunjalo, i-Fourth Industrial Revolution isongela ukulahleka kwemisebenzi, okungenzeka ukuthi ithinte labo abaneziqu ku-Business Studies, yingakho ukukhethwa kwayo kulolu phenyo. Ukubhekana nalokhu, umcwaningi uhlongoze imodeli edinga ukuthi amakolishi, amabhizinisi, uhulumeni kanye nemiphakathi basebenzisane ekwenziweni kwamaphrojekthi anakekela izidingo zemiphakathi ehlukahlukene. Amaphrojekthi anjalo futhi angasiza ukuvuselela ikharikhyulamu ukuthi iphenduleke ngokwengeziwe. Ngale ndlela, amathuba amaningi e-WIL angakhelwa abafundi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umcwaningi uhlongoze izigaba ezintathu zokuhlanganiswa kwe-WIL, futhi amakolishi anganquma ngakunye ngokuya ngemininingwane yohlelo lwabo. Umcwaningi uphetha ngokuthi noma ngabe amamodeli amahle kangakanani, ngaphandle kokubambisana u-WIL angahlala eyisibopho futhi iziqu zingaba yizezi ngenxa yokuntuleka kwemisebenzi. Ngemuva kwalokho, umcwaningi uphakamisa ukuthi kwenziwa ucwaningo olwengeziwe ngokuhambisana nokukhula noma ukukhula komkhakha webhizinisi. Ukutholwa kwalolu cwaningo bekukhawulelwe kumakholiji amane akhethiwe ezifundazweni ezine ze-SA, kodwa asasebenza futhi alusizo kuyo yonke imfundo ephakeme emhlabeni. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)
Date13 January 2020
CreatorsMafaralala, Thomas Matome
ContributorsJoubert, H. J.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 online resource (xi, 194 leaves) : color illustrations, application/pdf

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