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SSCG methods of EMI emissions reduction applied to switching power converters

Many methods for EMI suppression have been developed in the last fifty years, most of them, showing a hardly change in its implementation. Traditional tools for EMI suppression are related to the use of filters, shielding techniques and new methods for layout improvement. These hardware techniques are normally supported with waveform shapes having themselves a lower spectral content. This kind of signals makes part of a different concept of EMI suppression that consists of limiting the spectral content in the signal itself. When possible, just waveforms with a lower spectral content should be used, this way making easier, simpler and cheaper the use of filters and other suppression means. In this line, EMI-reduction techniques such a Spread Spectrum Clock Generation (SSCG) are contributing to eliminate or limit the problem at the root, that is, at the signal itself.This thesis is developed in several parts, corresponding to different chapters. A summary of these chapters is presented onwards:After introduction in chapter 1, a wide theoretical development of the modulation and related concepts are presented in chapter 2. It is explained generically all aspects related to the modulation and particularly, to the frequency modulation. Main parameters of frequency modulation are presented and explained in detail and how practical considerations may affect to the theoretical behaviour of these parameters. Because the theoretical part of this thesis is completely based on the fundamentals of Fourier Transform, a sufficient explanation was thought to include for its right understanding . Finally, all this knowledge is summarized in a computational algorithm (MATLAB environment), capable of generating any frequency modulation of a sinusoidal carrier and the corresponding spectral components resulting from the modulation process.Chapter 3 takes profit of the results obtained in Chapter 2 where it is possible to obtain the theoretical behaviour of the different modulation profiles of interest: sinusoidal, triangular, exponential and mixed waveforms. This way, chapter 3 is intended to completely understand and analyze the theoretical behaviour of these modulation profiles and be quantified according to several significant measure parameters. Afterwards, a comparison of these modulation profiles is carried out by means of the measure parameters defined previously. A proposal of control for a real power converter and theoretical considerations to apply a certain SSCG method to switching power converters are also included in this chapter. After all aspects of frequency modulation by means of SSCG methods have been theoretically developed, it is mandatory the verification of the theoretical conclusions through an experimental test plant. Chapter 4 starts with the description, theoretical calculation and physical implementation of this test plant. Most practical considerations are here dealt with, like the influence of the Spectrum Analyzer's Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) on the measured EMI, a proposal of a practical method to select a valuable SSCG technique applied to Switching Power Converters, comparative measurements of conducted EMI within the range of conducted emissions (0 Hz 30 MHz) and a proposal about SSCG as a method to avoid interfering a certain signal.Chapter 5 summarizes the whole conclusions gathered through the previous chapters and, finally, chapter 6 lists references related to the thesis, separated into different thematic groups.
Date01 July 2004
CreatorsSantolaria Lorenzo, José Alfonso
ContributorsBalcells Sendra, Josep, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica
PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Source SetsUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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