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La gestione delle crisi e delle emergenze alimentari: un'analisi comparativa multilivello del quadro giuridico europeo e statunitense / MANAGING FOOD SAFETY EMERGENCIES AND CRISES: A MULTILEVEL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE US AND EU LEGAL FRAMEWORKS

La presente tesi analizza la gestione delle crisi e delle emergenze alimentari negli USA e nell’UE addottando il triplice punto di vista delle autorita’ pubbliche, industria, consumatori). Le crisi e le emergenze provocate da incidenti di sicurezza alimentare sono eventi ad alto impatto sia in termini umani che economici. Crisi e emergenze sono il prodotto sia della crescente complessita’ della catena alimentare sia anche della crescente incertezza scientifica delle societa’ postmoderne. La tesi intende dimostrare che le crisi alimentri sono sempre piu’ a crocevia fra igiene pubblica, salute animale e sicurezza alimentare. Il primo capitolo descrive le piu’ importanti crisi alimentari degli ultimi vent’anni: gli eventi sono analizzati comparativamente al fine di evidenziare i tratti salienti in comune. Il secondo capitolo affronta il ruolo ricoperto dalle le istituzioni pubbliche, l’industria e i consumatori in caso di incidenti di sicurezza alimentare. Il capitolo considera i diversi punti di vista dei soggetti coinvolti mettendo in luce gli interessi in gioco e il comportamento di industria e consumatori in relazione al rischio alimentare. Il quarto capitolo rappresenta il cuore dell’intera tesi analizzando in maniera comparativa il sistema giuridico statunitense ed europeo. Nelle conclusioni sono offerte possibili soluzioni per fare fronte alle problematiche analizzate. / This dissertation analyses the management of food safety emergencies and crises in the US and the EU adopting a threefold perspective (i.e., public authorities, industry, consumers). Food safety emergencies and crises are highly burdensome events that may leave behind high fatalities tolls and severe economic consequences. Crises and emergencies are the outcome of both the increasing complexity of the food chain and the growing scientific uncertainty that modern societies are called to face. While it is impracticable to eradicate these events, countries may build prevention and preparedness in advance. This work attempts to capture an original way the role covered by different stakeholder in crises preparedness and response. The dissertation also aims to demonstrate that food safety crises are increasingly at the intersection between Public Health, animal health and food safety.
The first chapter provides a case history of the most relevant food safety crises in the last two decades. From the BSE scandal that hit Europe in 1996 to the most recent E.coli outbreak in Germany of 2011, the events are analyzed in a comparative way as to point out the essential features of food safety crises. The second chapter canvasses the role played by public authorities, industry and consumer in food safety incidents. In the attempt to define crises and emergencies, a review of most important theories from organizational literature is provided, with an emphasis on the importance of scientific uncertainty. The chapter deals with stakeholders’ different perspectives outlining the interest at stake and describing at the same time stakeholders’ behavior vis-à-vis food related risks. The fourth chapter represents the core of the dissertation analyzing the legal framework of the US and the EU. The dissertation considers not only food safety provisions but also Public Health provisions describing rights and duties of the subjects involves in these events. The chapter focuses also on the problem of information at the intersection with different aspirations (e.g., the right to know and confidentiality). The dissertation ends with some concluding remarks suggesting possible solution to solve the mentioned shortcomings.
Date19 February 2014
PublisherUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, PIACENZA
Source SetsUniversita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. DocTA
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeDoctoral Thesis
FormatAdobe PDF

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