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Develop strategies to increase the Non Conventional Renewable Energy power generation in Sri Lanka above 10% level by the year 2015

World’s energy needs are increasing day by day and meeting that ever increasing demand by fossil fuels is becoming difficult due to factors like scarcity of the resource, vulnerability of supply due to political unrest of fuel rich countries, and environmental implications of usage. As a result, Usage of renewable energy resources as alternatives is becoming popular and important. Sri Lanka has already committed to achieve 10% of grid connected electricity energy from Non Conventional Renewable Energy sources by the year 2015 and launched many programs to support that initiative. Under this dissertation, a broad study on present and future electricity generation and transmission network of Sri Lanka are carried out referring the most recent CEB publications like Long Term Generation Expansion Plan and Transmission Expansion plans and further using the expert opinions. Special attention is given to calculate present and future (2015) Non Conventional Renewable Energy share of power generation considering the constraints and mentioning the assumptions. Existing policies to promote NCRE power generation are reviewed while discussing the barriers. Wind has identified as the viable potential candidate as future NCRE power generation option even though the near term capacity is limited due to grid constraints and inadequate transmission and distribution network. It is recommended to the government to start an accelerated wind power harness program by addressing the issues pertaining to the technology. The strategies developed under the study are all about to achieve more than 10% target by the year 2015.
Date January 2012
CreatorsDe Silva, Tharukara Sudath Priyantha
PublisherKTH, Energi och klimatstudier, ECS
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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