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Nestmate recognition and population genetic structure in the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile.

The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, is a widespread invasive species characterized by reduced intraspecific aggression within its introduced range. To gain an understanding of mechanisms underlying nestmate recognition in the Argentine ant, I studied its population genetic structure and the role of genetic vs. environmental cues on aggression. I combine behavioral, genetic, and analytical data to explore the role of exogenous cues and recent changes in the population genetic structure on nestmate recognition in this ant. In Chapter II, I examined population genetic structure and intercolony aggression in two portions of the Argentine ant introduced range: California and the southeastern U.S. I describe factors that may have contributed to the present-day differences in genetic diversity between these two regions and I also suggest ecological factors that may have contributed to regional differences in current distribution patterns of the Argentine ant. In Chapter III, I examined the context-dependency of nestmate discrimination in the Argentine ant and the effect of action thresholds on exogenous cue recognition. I also tested hypotheses that explain a change in action thresholds as well as factors that affect action thresholds. I examined changes in intraspecific aggression in various discrimination contexts. I tested the importance of isolated nest referents on aggression thresholds. In Chapter IV, I examined the impact of different diet-derived hydrocarbons on intraspecific aggression in the Argentine ant and the potential of shared, diet-derived hydrocarbons to produce colony uniformity where intercolony genetic and/or environmental differences exist. In Chapter V, I examined the role of environmental cues on nestmate recognition in two populations of the Argentine ant. I tested the hypothesis that there is geographical variation in the response of Argentine ants to nestmate recognition cues derived from prey. In Appendix I, I use the Argentine ant to compare four aggression bioassays for consistency between replicates, similarity between assays, and ability to predict whole colony interactions. I tested four different aggression assays with two or three scoring methods per assay. I also determined whether isolated aggressive encounters could predict whole colony interactions.
Date18 August 2003
CreatorsBuczkowski, Grzegorz Andrzej
ContributorsJules Silverman, Coby Schal, Charles S. Apperson, Edward L. Vargo
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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