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Influences on Public Support for Green Infrastructure: An Examination of Urban Wetland Restoration in Post-Katrina New Orleans

The research examines patterns of likely support for urban wetland restoration in the Greater New Orleans area. Through multi-variate statistical analysis of responses derived from an original survey of homeowners in New Orleans, key factors are identified that explain variation in residents willingness to accept such areas and their perceptions of ecological benefits associated with a theoretical wetlands restoration design for the Gentilly area. Further, the analysis determines the extent to which direct experience with Hurricane Katrina may influence public support for this and other green infrastructure projects. The results of the data collected show that many people in New Orleans understand the beneficial functions of wetlands overall, and in an urban setting. There is a trend that shows citizens would like to live in such created wetland/urban habitats. Those who went through the experience of Hurricane Katrina were more likely to have favorable inclinations toward urban wetlands. Implications of the results can be used by coastal planners and the stakeholders of coastal or flood-prone areas. Planners can design green infrastructure projects based on how the public views wetlands, especially following major disasters when the public may be more likely to support such changes.
Date03 May 2010
CreatorsOverholser, Lynette C.
ContributorsReams, Margaret, Lam, Nina, Wascom, Michael
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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