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Zhodnocení regulačních nástrojů ochrany zemědělského půdního fondu =:Evaluation of regulátory tools for agricultural land protection /

The work is a contribution to clarification of the currently valid and employed protective arrangements at pursuing the civil service in the field of protection of the agricultural land resources and further at adapting these regulatory tools to the contemporary condition, having in mind new methodology and procedures. It concerns comparison of the usual regulatory tools of the soil protection in the administrative district of the municipal corporation of the Municipal Office of Rosice, South Moravian Region, with scientific and research results, and it concerns also evaluation of a possible usability of the research results for the activity of the authority for the protection of the land resources. To draw comparison between the actual condition and the research condition, those characteristics were used that are part of the systematic and legislative regulations for the soil protection. In case of the quality of ecological soil units, comparison was carried out at two levels - at a level of the climatic zones and at a level of the principal soil units. In the soil protection against water erosion, a comparison was carried out between the actual and the up-to-date factor value of erosive rainfall effectiveness that affects the intensity of the erosive process. In terms of soil protection against the wind erosion, the comparison of the recently used methodology of potential soil endangerment with the new one was carried out. Differences between the actual and research conditions were found out with all compared characteristics at the pursued area. Findings of the new research knowledge inform the administration authority about continuing processes in the soil and about changes of the soil properties and as well confirm repercussions of the climatic change and the change in the landscape utilization. Along with the modern knowledge of territory classification and soil processes, a distinctive shift will take place in practicing preventive measures concerning agricultural land and protection of the agricultural land resources.
Date January 2019
CreatorsVaníčková, Marta
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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