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Our Province v.06

OUR ANNIVERSARIES -- THEORY AND PRACTICE -- An Editorial -- POINTING WITH PRIDE -- MISSION BAND ACTIVITIES, 1937 -- A SOUTHERN SAFARI -- F. H. McGlynn – DECEASED -- BROTHER DANIEL'S GOLDEN JUBILEE -- Duquesne University -- OUR MAIL BOX: -- Father Federici -- Libermann Client -- African Notes -- AVIS DU MOIS -- The Rosary -- OUR LEVITES:—Chronicle of Ferndale -- KERNELS FROM CORNWELLS -- BRAVE BEGINNINGS: -- St. Augustine's, Isle Brevelle, La. -- St. James's. Alexandria, La. – OFFICIAL -- OUR ANNIVERSARIES -- WHAT TO DO -- An Editorial -- OUR LEVITIES:—Kernels From Cornwells, Joseph; Sipendi, Vocations; Dam Project at Ferndale; Chronicle; Stamp Report for 1937; The Old Shell Game. -- The Straggler, 1916 -- Southern Safari, II. -- Father Laval's Daily Rule -- OUR MAIL BOX: -- European Comment – Fribourg – Rome – Louvain – Communication -- Thought from Our Venerable Founder -- BRAVE BEGINNINGS: -- St. Joseph's House, Philadelphia, Pa. --St. Joseph's, Mount Carmel, Pa. -- OUR DEAD -- THREE DISORDERLY FELLOWS -- Editorial -- Lent -- Michigan's Lone Negro School -- Forum for Christian Democracy -- Personal—More or Less -- Guardian of Jesus and Mary -- OUR LEVITES:—Ferndale Herald, Kernels from Cornwells, February 2 Programmes. -- Southern Exposure -- Wild White Sister -- Biography of a Soul -- Avis du Mois -- OUR MAIL BOX: -- Wanted: More Ghost Writers! -- African Assignments -- Southern Safari, III -- More of "The Straggler" -- OUR COMMUNITIES: -- Stella Maris Chapel -- Only Human -- OUR DEAD -- TRI-TONIC -- Editorial -- Ordinations -- Southern Safari, IV. -- A Little Known Servant of God (London Catholic Herald) -- St. Mary's On The Air -- See Your Dentist at Least Twice a Year – Meditations -- OUR LEVITES: -Ferndale Herald, from Cornwclls -- Kernels -- OUR MAIL BOX -- Here and There -- Southern Exposure – Africana -- African Appointments -- THE APOSTLE OF MAURITIUS -- At Twilight -- The Delirium of Annas -- Edward Leen, C.S.Sp., Biographette -- Avis du Mois -- Brave Beginnings -- Pittsburgh, Holy Thursday, 1888 -- Official -- Fifth Avenue, New York, March 17, 1938 -- OUR DEAD -- EDITORIALS—The Duke Takes Flight, Now Playing 235th Anniversary -- Duquesne's Summer Session—1938 -- La Farge Visits Ferndale—An Interracial Program -- Workers Seek Church Daily—Our Mission – Band -- OUR LEVITES -- Innocents Abroad: Rome, Fribourg, Louvain -- Ferndale Herald -- Unit Whirligig -- Kernels from Cornwells -- OUR MAIL-BOX -- Southern Exposure – Africana -- Here and There -- Homage to the Queen of May (Verse) -- KILIMANJARO or “Kilima-Ndjaro" Part I --Lest We Forget -- OUR DEAD -- EDITORIALS: -- Trade Marks; Ink! Ink! Ink! -- Alexander Le Roy, C.S.Sp. -- Golden Jubilee of St. Joseph's House -- Status Animarum -- Rev. Joseph Emile Schultz. C.S.Sp. -- OUR LEVITES -- Scholastics Abroad -- Ferndale Herald -- Kernels from Cornwells -- OUR MAIL BOX -- Southern Exposure -- Here and There – Africana -- Learn of Me! (Verse) -- KILIMA-NDJARO, II -- Lest We Forget -- APOSTLE OF MAURITIUS. II -- Avis du Mois. The Scapular of Mount Carmel Official -- OUR DEAD -- EDITORIALS:—Bull Sessions; Nouveau Priest -- Eight Years Record -- Ex-classmates! Attention! -- Golden Jubilee of Brother Godfrey -- Reluctant Samaritan (Verse) -- Dedication of Negro Church -- Newly –Consecrated -- OUR LEVITES -- Scholastics Abroad -- Ferndale Herald -- Kernels from Cornwells -- OUR MAIL BOX -- Southern Exposure -- Around the Province -- APOSTLE OF MAURITIUS, III -- Avis du Mois – Notice -- KILIMA-NDJARO, III -- Gone are the Days -- Ministers in Catholic Social Action -- OUR DEAD -- EDITORIALS:—Salutatory; Apologia -- 1. DEDICATION -- The Province's Pioneer African -- II. WORKS -- Statistics of Kilimanjaro -- Vicariate of Kilimanjaro – Tanga -- St. James Seminary -- The Native Sisters – Health -- III. WACHAGA -- Wachaga Behaviour -- Portrait of a Wachaga -- IV. TALES -- How Not To Pray -- An Expensive Experience – Appolonia -- OUR DEAD -- EDITORIALS: -- Wanted: Clowns -- Letter of Superior General -- Profession -- Very Rev. Francis A. Retka -- Southern Exposure -- OUR LEVITIES – Scholastics Abroad: Ferndale Herald -- Lest We Forget -- Apostle of Mauritius IV -- Celibate (Verse) -- Kilima-Ndjaro IV -- September 11, 1919 -- Lay Retreats -- OUR DEAD -- EDITORIALS: -- Bishop Byrne Comes Home -- NEWS -- Brother Eugene's Silver Jubilee -- "Paper'' Anniversary -- Sea Thoughts -- Ordinations at Ferndale -- Southern Exposure -- OUR LEVITES -- Scholastics Abroad -- Ferndale Herald -- Kernels from Cornwells -- ARTICLES -- Apostle of Mauritius V -- Letters to the Editor -- Lest We Forget -- Kilimanjaro V -- AFRICANA -- Room and Board -- “O Jesus Living in Mary" -- Our Dead -- (pg 2) -- Lest We Forget (Father Jaworski) -- (pg 2) -- News -- Silver Jubilee of Five Fathers -- (pg 3) -- Heroism of Priests Draws Wide Praise -- (pg 4) -- Bells of St. Mary's -- (pg 4) -- Catholic Studies at St. Mark's -- (pg 4) -- A Letter From Harlem -- (pg 4) -- Editorials -- (pg 6) -- Our Mail-Box -- Southern Exposure -- (pg 7) -- Letters to the Editor -- (pg 7) -- Our Levites -- Ferndale Herald -- (pg 8) -- Kernels from Cornwells -- (pg 8) -- Articles -- Excerpts from The Bulletin -- (pg 5) -- Quotations -- (pg 10) -- All Souls' Day -- (pg 10) -- Thar She Blows -- (pg 11) -- Our Dead -- (pg 2) -- Lest We Forget (Father Stadelman) – (pg 2) – News -- Official Appointments – (pg 3) -- Two Jubilees – (pg 3) -- Bells of St. Mary's -- (pg 4) -- "Blackest White Man in Harlem" -- (pg 4) -- Duquesne University -- (pg 5) -- Our Mail Box -- Southern Exposure -- (pg 5) -- Letters to the Editor -- (pg 5) -- Wakefield Second Nativity Play -- (pg 6) -- Our Levites -- Scholastics Abroad -- (pg 7) -- Ferndale Herald -- (pg 8) -- Kernels from Cornwells -- (pg 8) -- Articles -- Father Schwab -- (pg 9) -- Avis du Mois -- (pg 10) -- January 6, I9I5 -- (pg 11) -- Lecture on Byzantine Rite -- (pg 11) -- International Catholic League -- (pg 11) -- Book Reviews -- (pg 12)
Date January 1938
Source SetsDuquesne University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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