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Kreiranje brenda organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda u Republici Srbiji / Creating a brand of organic agricultural-food products in the Republic of Serbia

<p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja jeste da se izgradi brend koji će organski proizvod pojedinog proizvođača da razlikuje od proizvoda drugih proizvođača, stavljajući akcenat na njegovu prepoznatljivost, diferenciranost i lak&scaron;u identifikaciju kao i na učvr&scaron;ćivanje veza i razvijanje partnerskih odnosa sa potro&scaron;ačima. Brend je postao izuzetno značajan deo marketinga uz pomoć kojeg se kreira vrednost za potro&scaron;ače na trži&scaron;tu i otuda i potreba da se njime upravlja. Pored navedenog, cilj istraživanja jeste da istraži stavove i mi&scaron;ljenja ispitanika o organskim poljoprivredno-prehrambenim proizvodima i njihovim brendovima. Za dobijanje podataka o stavovima i mi&scaron;ljenjima ispitanika primenjen je metod ispitivanja pomoću anketnog upitnika. Trži&scaron;te organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda je u ekspanziji u svetu i potro&scaron;ači pokazuju značajnu rastuću lojalnost. Sa razvojem trži&scaron;ta ovih proizvoda i u cilju boljeg nastupa na trži&scaron;tu proizvođačima nameće se potreba kreiranja i razvoja brenda koji će omogućiti lojalnost potro&scaron;ača, sigurniji i bolji plasman i veći profit. Organska poljoprivredno-prehrambena proizvodnja ima trend rasta i sve značajniju ulogu u razvoju sektora poljoprivredne i prehrambene industrije u Republici Srbiji. Organska poljoprivreda jeste delatnost kroz koju Srbija može i treba da stvori svoj proizvod, odnosno kasnije brend koji će biti konkurentan i prepoznatljiv na svetskom trži&scaron;tu sa pozitivnim imidžom kod potro&scaron;ača. Potrebno je da proizvođači razvijaju brend kako bi uspe&scaron;no nastupili kako na domaćem tako i na međunarodnom trži&scaron;tu. Prilikom brendiranja organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda i njihovom plasiranju na trži&scaron;tu neophodno je poznavati potro&scaron;ače, njihove specifičnosti, navike i pona&scaron;anje kako bi se ostvario trži&scaron;ni uspeh.&nbsp; Organski poljoprivredno-prehrambeni proizvodi ne ispunjavaju samo svoju funkcionalnu vrednost odnosno za ishranu, oni govore o njihovim proizvođačima ali i potro<br />&scaron;ačima, njihovom načinu života, kulturnim karakteristikama, verovanjima i vrednostima. Potro&scaron;ači postaju ekolo&scaron;ki svesniji,vi&scaron;e je izražena briga za zdravlje. U Republici Srbiji povećava se interesovanje za organske poljoprivredno-prehrambene proizvode. Briga za zdravlje u velikoj meri determini&scaron;e odluku o izdvajanju vi&scaron;e sredstava za kupovinu i konzumiranje organske hrane. Cena i visina dohotka ispitanika predstavljaju osnovne limitirajuće činioce tražnje organskih poljoprivrednoprehrambenih proizvoda. Niska kupovna moć stanovni&scaron;tva otežava potro&scaron;ačima da ionako visoke izdatke za ishranu uvećaju kupovinom skupljih organskih proizvoda. Koncept brenda sve vi&scaron;e dobija na značaju zbog prednosti koje donosi, kako za organskog proizvođača kojima omogućava sigurniji plasman i veće premijske cene, tako i potro&scaron;ačima kojima olak&scaron;ava izbor, skraćuje vreme kupovine i pruža veću sigurnost u kvalitet organskih proizvoda. Proizvođači organske hrane treba da marketin&scaron;kim aktivnostima od robne marke naprave brend čime će imati konkurentsku prednost na trži&scaron;tu. Na taj način stvara se lojalnost potro&scaron;ača i povećava prodaja a samim tim ostvaruju se i bolji finansijski rezultati. Vrednost brenda organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda usko je povezana sa lojalno&scaron;ću potro&scaron;ača organskih proizvoda. Lojalnost potro&scaron;ača pretpostavka je stabilnog nivoa proizvodnje i prodaje organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda. Brendiranje u užem smislu uključuje odluke povezane sa izborom elemenata identiteta tj. stvaranje imena, logoa, dizajna. U &scaron;irem smislu obuhvata čitav niz strategija i postupaka kojima se defini&scaron;u zajednički i specifični elementi i njihovo uklapanje u postojeći portfolio organskog proizvoda sa ciljem da se brend izdvoji ne samo vizuelno već i u svesti potro&scaron;ača. Snaga brenda zasniva se na imidžu brenda i locirana je u svesti potro&scaron;ača. Imidž brenda organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda je način na koji je brend percipiran od strane potro&scaron;ača. Postojanje jakih, povoljno ocenjenih asocijacija koje su jedinstvene za brend i impliciranje superiornosti preko brenda su kritične a često puta i odlučujuće za uspeh brenda. Kreiranjem pozitivnog imidža brendova organskih proizvoda proizvođači stvaraju pozitivnu sliku ili percepciju kod potro&scaron;ača &scaron;to vodi njihovom favorizovanju u procesu kupovine i potro&scaron;nje.</p> / <p>The main objective of this study is to build a brand that will differentiate organic products of an individual producer from products of other producers, with an emphasis on their recognizability, differentiation and easy identification, as well as on establishing and maintaining strong relations and partnership with consumers. Brand has become an extremely significant segment of marketing which contributes to creating value for consumers in the market; hence the need to be managed. Besides this, research goal is to explore the respondents&prime; attitudes and opinions about organic agricultural-foodstuff products and their brands. The research method used to obtain the data on the respondents&prime;attitudes and opinions was a questionnaire. The market for organic agricultural products is expanding worldwide and the consumers of organic products are showing significant increasing loyalty. With the development of the market for organic products and in order to improve performance on the market by producers of organic&nbsp; agricultural products, there arises the need to create and develop a brand that will enable consumer loyalty, a safer and better placement, as well as bigger profits.&nbsp; The organic agricultural-food production is on the rise and is getting a more significant role in the development of agricultural and food industry in the Republic of Serbia. Organic farming is the activity through which Serbia can and should create its own product, i.e. brand that will be competitive and recognizable in the world market, having a positive image among consumers. It is necessary for producers to develop the brand in order to have a successful appearance both on the domestic and international market. When branding and marketing organic agricultural-food products, it is<br />necessary to be familiar with consumers, their specific characteristics, habits and behavior, all in order to achieve success in the market. Not only do organic agricultural-food products have their functional, i.e. nutritional value, they also say much about their producers, but also about their consumers, their lifestyle, cultural characteristics, beliefs and values. Consumers are becoming more and more environmentally aware, whereas health concerns are more expressed. Interest in organic agricultural-foodstuff products in the Republic of Serbia is increasing. The decision on the allocation of more funds for purchase and consumption of organic food is largely determined by health concerns. The price of organic food and the respondents&prime; level of income are the main limiting factors affecting the demand for organic agricultural-foodstuff products. Due to low purchasing power of the population, it is difficult for consumers to increase already high food expenditures by purchasing organic products, which are even more expensive. The concept of brand is gaining importance because of the benefits it brings, both for organic farmers whom it provides secure product marketing and higher premium rates, and for consumers whom it provides easier selection, shortens the purchase time and secures greater confidence in the quality of organic products. Organic farmers should use marketing activities to transform their trademark into a brand, which will provide them with a competitive advantage in the market. In this way, consumer loyalty is created and sales increase, leading to better financial results. The brand equity of organic agricultural products is closely linked to loyalty of the consumers of organic agricultural products. Consumer loyalty is essential for he stable level of production and sale of organic agricultural products. In narrow sense, branding includes decisions related to the selection of identity elements, i.e. creating the name, logo, design. In a broader sense, it includes a whole range of policies and procedures used to define common and specific components and their integration into the existing portfolio of an organic product in order to make the brand distinctive, not only visually, but also in the consumers&rsquo; minds. The strength of a brand lies in its image and resides in the consumers&prime; consciousness. The image enjoyed by a brand of organic food products is the manner in which the brand is perceived by consumers. Having powerful, favourably evaluated associations uniquely identifiable with the brand and subtle implications of its superiority are of the essence and very often decisive for the brand&prime;s success. The creation of a positive image for a brand of organic food products instils a positive impression or perception in consumers resulting in preference for these products, both for the purpose of purchasing and consumption.</p>
Date12 September 2017
CreatorsŠojić Sanja
ContributorsVlahović Branislav, Zarić Vlade, Puškarić Anton
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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