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Supervised metric learning with generalization guarantees

In recent years, the crucial importance of metrics in machine learningalgorithms has led to an increasing interest in optimizing distanceand similarity functions using knowledge from training data to make them suitable for the problem at hand.This area of research is known as metric learning. Existing methods typically aim at optimizing the parameters of a given metric with respect to some local constraints over the training sample. The learned metrics are generally used in nearest-neighbor and clustering algorithms.When data consist of feature vectors, a large body of work has focused on learning a Mahalanobis distance, which is parameterized by a positive semi-definite matrix. Recent methods offer good scalability to large datasets.Less work has been devoted to metric learning from structured objects (such as strings or trees), because it often involves complex procedures. Most of the work has focused on optimizing a notion of edit distance, which measures (in terms of number of operations) the cost of turning an object into another.We identify two important limitations of current supervised metric learning approaches. First, they allow to improve the performance of local algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors, but metric learning for global algorithms (such as linear classifiers) has not really been studied so far. Second, and perhaps more importantly, the question of the generalization ability of metric learning methods has been largely ignored.In this thesis, we propose theoretical and algorithmic contributions that address these limitations. Our first contribution is the derivation of a new kernel function built from learned edit probabilities. Unlike other string kernels, it is guaranteed to be valid and parameter-free. Our second contribution is a novel framework for learning string and tree edit similarities inspired by the recent theory of (epsilon,gamma,tau)-good similarity functions and formulated as a convex optimization problem. Using uniform stability arguments, we establish theoretical guarantees for the learned similarity that give a bound on the generalization error of a linear classifier built from that similarity. In our third contribution, we extend the same ideas to metric learning from feature vectors by proposing a bilinear similarity learning method that efficiently optimizes the (epsilon,gamma,tau)-goodness. The similarity is learned based on global constraints that are more appropriate to linear classification. Generalization guarantees are derived for our approach, highlighting that our method minimizes a tighter bound on the generalization error of the classifier. Our last contribution is a framework for establishing generalization bounds for a large class of existing metric learning algorithms. It is based on a simple adaptation of the notion of algorithmic robustness and allows the derivation of bounds for various loss functions and regularizers.
Date11 December 2012
CreatorsBellet, Aurélien
PublisherUniversité Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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