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Genetic engineering of sugarcane for increased sucrose and consumer acceptance

Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sugarcane is a crop that is farmed commercially due to the high amounts of sucrose that
is stored within the mature internodes of the stem. Numerous studies have been done to
understand sugar metabolism in this crop as well as to enhance sucrose yields. Until now
sugarcane improvement strategies have been implemented through either breeding
programs or transgenic manipulation. Public mistrust and regulatory hurdles, however,
have made the commercialisation of transgenic crops difficult, expensive and timeconsuming.
In this thesis two projects will address issues relating to the above. The first will address
an effort to increase sucrose accumulation within the sugarcane culm. This was attempted
via the expression of an Arabidopsis thaliana vacuolar pyrophosphatase (AtV-PPase)
gene, linked to the maize ubiquitin promoter, in sugarcane callus. It was anticipated that
increased activity of the tonoplast-bound AtV-PPase will result in increased sucrose
accumulation in the vacuole. Transgenic sugarcane callus lines were tested for soluble
sugar content which suggested no significant increase in sucrose content. However, this
may change upon further assessment of sugarcane suspension cultures and glasshouse
The second project was concerned with the development of a novel sugarcane
transformation technology that utilises only sugarcane sequences. This ‘cisgenic’
approach to sugarcane transformation will require a native sugarcane promoter,
terminator, vector backbone and selection marker. It was attempted to first isolate a functional promoter as well as developing a selection system based on an endogenous
selection marker.
A promoter was amplified from sugarcane, using primers designed on a sorghum
template, and its expression assessed using a GFP reporter gene. Unfortunately
expression could not be confirmed in transgenic sugarcane callus. Currently, an alternative
approach is followed by using short fragments of constitutively expressed genes to screen
sugarcane Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) libraries to isolate their corresponding
Lastly, it was attempted to develop a selection system for transgenic sugarcane based on
resistance to the herbicide chlorosulfuron. A mutant acetolactate synthase (alsb) gene
from tobacco, which has shown to confer resistance to the tobacco, was transformed into
sugarcane callus. It was anticipated that this gene will confer chlorosulfuron resistance to
transgenic sugarcane. If resistance is achieved, the corresponding sugarcane gene will be
mutated via site-directed mutagenesis and checked if it also confers resistance to
sugarcane. Results showed that although transgenic lines were generated, resistance
development is still inconclusive. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suikerriet is ‘n kommersiële gewas wat verbou word as gevolg van die hoë hoeveelhede
sukrose wat gestoor word in die volwasse tussenknope van die stam. Verskeie studies is
al gedoen om suiker metabolisme in die gewas te ondersoek, sowel as om die sukrose
opbrengs te verhoog. Huidige strategieë vir suikerriet verbetering word beywer deur
middel van teel-programme of transgeniese manipulasie. Die kommersialiseëring van
transgeniese gewasse word egter bemoeilik deur publieke wanpersepsies, sowel as
regulatoriese uitdagings.
Hierdie tesis beoog om boenoemde kwessies aan te spreek, deur middel van twee
projekte. Die eerste projek poog om sukrose akkumulasie in sukerriet te verhoog. Dit was
onderneem om die Arabidopsis thaliana vakuolere pirofosfatase (AtV-PPase) geen, wat
verbind is met die mielie ubiquitien promoter, uit te druk in suikerriet kallus. Daar was
verwag dat die verhoogde aktiwiteit van die tonoplast-gebonde AtV-PPase sal veroorsaak
dat meer sukrose in die vakuool akkumuleer. Oplosbare suiker inhoud was getoets in
transgeniese suikerriet kallus lyne, maar geen merkbare verhoging in sukrose inhoud was
waargeneem nie. Hierdie mag egter verander met verdere ondersoeke in suikerriet
suspensie-kulture en glashuis-plante.
Die tweede projek het beywer om ‘n nuwe suikerriet transformasie tegnologie te ontwikkel,
wat slegs van suikerriet genetiese materiaal gebruik maak. Hierdie ‘cisgeniese’ benadering
tot suikerriet transformasie sal ‘n inheemse suikerriet promoter, terminator, vektor ruggraat
en seleksie-merker, benodig. Dit was eers beoog om ‘n funksionele promoter te isoleer,
sowel as om ‘n seleksie sisteem, gebasseer op ‘n inheemse seleksie merker, te ontwikkel. Deur gebruik te maak van primers wat op ‘n sorghum templaat gebasseer is, was ‘n
promotor geisoleer vanuit suikerriet; die uitdrukking hiervan is bepaal deur gebruik te maak
van ‘n GFP verklikker geen. Ongelukkig kon uitdrukking nie bevestig word in transgeniese
suikerriet kallus nie. Tans word suikerriet Kunsmatige Bakterieële Chromosoom (KBC)
biblioteke geskandeer, deur gebruik te maak van geen-fragmente van globaal-uitgedrukte
gene, om ooreenstemmende suikerriet promoters te isoleer.
Die tweede deel van die cisgeniese projek het beoog om ‘n seleksie sisteem vir
transgeniese suikerriet te ontwikkel, wat gebasseer is op weerstand teen die plantdoder
chlorosulfuron. Suikerriet kallus was getranformeer met ‘n mutante tabak geen –
asektolaktaat sintase (alsb) – wat chlorosulfuron weerstand in tabak meebring. Daar was
verwag dat die geen chlorosulfuron weerstand aan transgeniese suikerriet sou oordra.
Indien weerstand ontwikkel, sal die ooreenstemende suikerriet geen deur gerigte
mutagenese gemuteer word; dan sal dit kan bepaal word of weerstand ook oorgedra word
aan suikerriet. Daar is bevind dat alhoewel transgeniese lyne gegenereer is, daar steeds
nie ‘n konklusiewe bevestiging van weerstand ontwikkeling is nie.
Date12 1900
CreatorsConradie, Tobie Tertius
ContributorsLloyd, J. R., Kossmann, J. M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Genetics. Institute for Plant Biotechnology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format116 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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