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Molekularni i morfološki diverzitet populacija gljiva rodova Marasmius Fr. 1836, Mycetinis Earle 1909 i Gymnopus (Pers.) Gray 1821 u šumskim ekosistemima Nacionalnih parkova Srbije i Crne Gore / Molecular and morphological diversity of fungal populations of genera Marasmius Fr. 1836, Micetinis Earle 1909 and Gymnopus(Pers.) Grey 1821 in forest ecosystems of National parks of Serbia and Montenegro

<p>Ciljevi&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; bili&nbsp; su&nbsp; određivanje makroskopskih&nbsp; i&nbsp; mikroskopskih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; plodonosnih&nbsp; tela analiziranih vrsta roda <em>Marasmius, Gymnopus </em>i <em>Mycetinis i</em> njhove varijabilnosti&nbsp; između&nbsp; populacija,&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; klimatskih faktora&nbsp; na&nbsp; varijabilnost&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karaktera,&nbsp; određivanje brojnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; rasprostranjenja&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; na&nbsp; odabranim&nbsp; lokalitetima&nbsp; u okviru&nbsp; Nacionalnih parkova Srbije i Crne Gore&nbsp; (Kopaonik, Stara planina,&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; gora)&nbsp; koristeći&nbsp; ISSR&nbsp; metodu,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i određivanje osnovnih populaciono-genetičkih parametara i analiza<br />filogenetskih odnosa u okviru roda <em>Marasmius</em>. Kod vrste&nbsp;<em> M. alliaceus</em>&nbsp; utvrđeno je da se na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera&nbsp; populacija&nbsp; sa&nbsp; Stare&nbsp; planine&nbsp; delimično&nbsp; izdvaja,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je kod&nbsp; populacije&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; gora&nbsp; uočena&nbsp; najveća&nbsp; heterogenost&nbsp; u ispitivanim&nbsp; karakterima.&nbsp; Kod&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; <em>G. androsaceus</em>&nbsp; uočeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da nema jasnog izdvajanja populacija, odnosno ispitivane populacije su pokazale heterogenost u ispitivanim morfolo&scaron;kim karakterima. Uočena&nbsp; je&nbsp; statistički&nbsp; značajna&nbsp; (p&nbsp; &lt;&nbsp; 0.05)&nbsp; korelacija&nbsp; između morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera i faktora sredine kod obe analizirane vrst<em>e M. alliaceus</em> i <em>G</em>. <em>androsaceus.</em> Određivanjem&nbsp; broja&nbsp; i&nbsp; veličine&nbsp; geneta&nbsp; ISSR&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; u populacijama&nbsp; vrsta<em>&nbsp; M.&nbsp; alliaceus,&nbsp; M.&nbsp; rotula&nbsp; i&nbsp; G.&nbsp; androsaceus</em> utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; ove&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; formiraju&nbsp; relativno&nbsp; male&nbsp; genete&nbsp; (od nekoliko desetina centimetara do 15m) koji se nalaze u relativnoj blizini jedni od drugih (nekoliko metara). Određivanjem&nbsp; parametara&nbsp; molekularnog&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; (AMOVA, Fst) kod populacija vrsta&nbsp;<em> M. alliaceus&nbsp; i&nbsp; G. androsaceus</em> utvrđeno je&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; populacije&nbsp; obe&nbsp; ispitivane&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; značajno&nbsp; genetički<br />diferencirane (Fst vrednosti veće od 0.25) odnosno da postoji mali protok gena između njih.Filogenetska analiza ITS + LSU i ITS + LSU + EF-1ɑ sekvenci u ovom&nbsp; radu,&nbsp; podržava&nbsp; trenutno&nbsp; prihvaćeno&nbsp; grupisanje&nbsp; Evropskih vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp; <em>Marasmius</em>&nbsp; u&nbsp; sekcije&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; makro-&nbsp; i mikromorfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karaktera.&nbsp; Međutim,&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; ne podržavaju&nbsp; u&nbsp; potpunosti&nbsp; grupisanje&nbsp; nižih&nbsp; infrageneričkih kategorija (podsekcija i serija). Takođe, podsekcijska klasifikacija evropskih&nbsp; Marasmius&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; radu&nbsp; ne predstavlja monofiletske linije.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; goals&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; were&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the fruit bodies of the&nbsp; genus&nbsp; Marasmius,&nbsp; Gymnopus&nbsp; and&nbsp; Mycetinis&nbsp; and&nbsp; their variability&nbsp; among&nbsp; populations,&nbsp; determining&nbsp; the&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of climatic factors on the morphological variability&nbsp; of&nbsp; fruit bodies,determining&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; and&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; of&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; at selected&nbsp; sites&nbsp; within&nbsp; the&nbsp; National&nbsp; Parks&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; and Montenegro&nbsp; (Kopaonik,&nbsp; Stara&nbsp; Planina,&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; Gora)&nbsp; using the ISSR method, as well as determining basic population -genetic parameters&nbsp; and&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; relations&nbsp; within&nbsp; the genus Marasmius.For&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; M.&nbsp; alliaceus,&nbsp; it&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; determined&nbsp; that&nbsp; the population&nbsp; of&nbsp; Stara&nbsp; planina&nbsp; is&nbsp; partially&nbsp; isolated,&nbsp; while&nbsp; the population&nbsp; of&nbsp; Biogradska&nbsp; gora&nbsp; has&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; heterogeneity&nbsp; in the&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; characters.&nbsp; For&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; G.androsaceus&nbsp; it was noticed that there was no clear&nbsp; segregation&nbsp; of populations,&nbsp;&nbsp; thus&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; populations&nbsp; showed heterogeneity in the examined morphological characters. A&nbsp; statistically&nbsp; significant&nbsp; (p&lt;0.05)&nbsp; correlation&nbsp; between morphological&nbsp; and&nbsp; environmental&nbsp; factors&nbsp; in&nbsp; both&nbsp; analyzed species M. alliaceus and G. androsaceus was observed. Determination&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; and&nbsp; size&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; genets&nbsp; by&nbsp; ISSR method in populations of species&nbsp; M. alliaceus,&nbsp; M. rotula and&nbsp; G.androsaceus,&nbsp; showed&nbsp; that&nbsp; these&nbsp; species&nbsp; form&nbsp; relatively&nbsp; small genes&nbsp; (from&nbsp; few&nbsp; centimeters&nbsp; to&nbsp; 15&nbsp; meters)&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; relative proximity to each other (several meters ). By determining molecular diversity parameters (AMOVA, Fst) in populations&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; M.&nbsp; alliaceus&nbsp; and&nbsp; G.&nbsp; androsaceus&nbsp; it&nbsp; has been found that the populations of both investigated species are significantly&nbsp; genetically&nbsp; differentiated&nbsp; (Fst&nbsp; values&nbsp; greater&nbsp; than 0.25), ie there is a small flow of gene between them. The phylogenetic analysis of ITS + LSU and ITS + LSU + EF-1ɑ sequence&nbsp; datasets&nbsp; supports&nbsp; the&nbsp; currently&nbsp; accepted, morphologicaly based&nbsp; groupings of sections of European species of genus&nbsp; Marasmius.&nbsp; However, the results obtained&nbsp; in this study do&nbsp; not&nbsp; fully&nbsp; support&nbsp; the&nbsp; grouping&nbsp; of&nbsp; lower&nbsp; infra-generic categories&nbsp; (subsections&nbsp; and&nbsp; series).&nbsp; Also,&nbsp; the&nbsp; subsection classification of the European Marasmius species analyzed in this paper does not represent monophyletic lineages.</p>
Date30 September 2019
CreatorsBošković Eleonora
ContributorsKaraman Maja, Galović Vladislava, Vukojević Jelena, Tamaš Ivica, Galić Zoran, Kocis Tubic Natasa
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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