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Fontes de refer??ncias e expectativas que formam os fatores motivadores da escolha de uma institui????o para cursar p??s-gradua????o lato sensu em administra????o na cidade de S??o Paulo

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Previous issue date: 2004-08-27 / The idea of this research has emerged from the researcher's interest in knowing the expectations that really lead professionals who are more and more young and inexperienced in the work market to seek specialization through lato sensu post graduation courses, derived from questions posed by students, in her closeness to them as a teacher in such courses. In order to understand the sources and references that most motivate students in the choice of an institution to take a lato sensu post graduation course, and the intensity with which these information correlate according to the evaluation of students themselves, concepts of behaviors of customers of services have been applied, aiming to check their adequacy to such a specific and complex service, not only by the high level of participation demanded from students, but also by course terms, financial investment, and lack of guaranty of obtaining the final result which is the title. The sources and nature of expectations, obtained through bibliographic survey and exploratory approaches, have been evaluated in the classroom, through a quantitative research, with a self assessment questionnaire with 310 students who were taking a lato sensu post graduation course in Business Administration, at a private institution in the city of S??o Paulo, in March, 2004. The statistical analysis of the results, through multivariated techniques of factorial analysis and discriminant analysis have proved that the main expectations of these students are connected to the acquisition of professional competitiveness and the school choice fundamentally depends on the reliability that it is able to win regarding the possibility to confer such competitiveness, through the combination of several aspects that go from the rules that are established by the school, to tangible service aspects, to explicit communication promises, to the reputation of the school in the specialized media and in the market place, to word-of-mouth information process. Another interesting aspect revealed by the discriminant analysis is that the importance of such expectations and sources of reference are independent from the course, the student's gender, age, or professional experience, but not from the fact that the company is or not paying for the studies. / A id??ia desta pesquisa surgiu do interesse do pesquisador em conhecer as expectativas que realmente levam os profissionais cada vez mais jovens e inexperientes no mercado de trabalho a buscarem a especializa????o atrav??s da p??s-gradua????o lato sensu, a partir das quest??es colocadas pelos alunos na conviv??ncia com eles como docente desses cursos. Para entender as fontes e refer??ncias que mais motivam os alunos, na escolha de uma institui????o para cursar a p??s-gradua????o lato sensu, e a intensidade com que essas informa????es se correlacionam nas avalia????es dos alunos foram aplicados os conceitos de comportamento do cliente de servi??os a fim de verificar como estes se adequam a um servi??o t??o espec??fico e complexo, n??o s?? pelo alto grau de participa????o que exige do aluno, mas tamb??m pelo prazo de realiza????o, investimento financeiro, e a n??o garantia de obten????o do resultado final que ?? a titula????o. As fontes e natureza das expectativas, obtidas atrav??s de levantamento bibliogr??fico e abordagens explorat??rias, foram avaliadas em sala de aula, atrav??s de uma pesquisa quantitativa, com question??rio de auto-preenchimento junto a 310 alunos que estavam cursando a p??s-gradua????o lato sensu em Administra????o, numa institui????o de ensino privada na cidade de S??o Paulo em mar??o de 2004. A an??lise estat??stica dos resultados atrav??s das t??cnicas multivariadas de an??lise fatorial e an??lise discriminante mostraram que as principais expectativas desses alunos est??o ligadas ?? obten????o de competitividade profissional e que a escolha da escola depende fundamentalmente da confian??a que ela consegue conquistar quanto a oferecer essa competitividade, atrav??s da combina????o de v??rios aspectos que v??o desde as regras estabelecidas pela escola, os aspectos tang??veis do servi??o, as promessas expl??citas da comunica????o, a reputa????o da escola na m??dia especializada e no mercado de trabalho, at?? as informa????es obtidas no boca a boca. Outro aspecto interessante, ?? que a import??ncia dessas expectativas e fontes de refer??ncia independem de curso, sexo, idade, tempo de experi??ncia na profiss??o, e sim do aluno ou a empresa custearem esses estudos, segundo a an??lise discriminante.
Date27 August 2004
CreatorsFigueir??a, Helo??sa
ContributorsSilva, Dirceu da, Barros Filho, Jomar, Garcia, Mauro Neves
PublisherFECAP - Faculdade Escola de Com??rcio ??lvares Penteado, Mestrado em Administra????o de Empresas, FECAP, BR, Administra????o estrat??gica
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações do FECAP, instname:Fundação Aramando Álvares Penteado, instacron:FAAP

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