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Controlling execution time variability using COTS for Safety-critical systems

While relying during the last decade on single-core Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) architectures despite their inherent runtime variability, the safety critical industry is now considering a shift to multi-core COTS in order to match the increasing performance requirement. However, the shift to multi-core COTS worsens the runtime variability issue due to the contention on shared hardware resources. Standard techniques to handle this variability such as resource over-provisioning cannot be applied to multi-cores as additional safety margins will offset most if not all the multi-core performance gains. A possible solution would be to capture the behavior of potential contention mechanisms on shared hardware resources relatively to each application co-running on the system. However, the features on contention mechanisms are usually very poorly documented. In this thesis, we introduce measurement techniques based on a set of dedicated stressing benchmarks and architecture hardware monitors to characterize (1) the architecture, by identifying the shared hardware resources and revealing their associated contention mechanisms. (2) the applications, by learning how they behave relatively to shared resources. Based on such information, we propose a technique to estimate the WCET of an application in a pre-determined co-running context by simulating the worst case contention on shared resources produced by the application's co-runners.
Date10 July 2014
CreatorsBin, Jingyi
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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