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Kretanje utvrđenih profesionalnih zaraznih oboljenja kod radnika na teritoriji Vojvodine / Trends of the established occupational communicable diseases among workers in the territory of Vojvodina

<p>Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja nastaju kao posledica izloženosti mikroorganizama u radnoj sredini. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje vrsta profesionalnih &scaron;tetnosti koje dovode do profesionalnih infektivnih oboljenja i njihove incidencije u privrednim delatnostima Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, kao i predloga adekvatnih mera za njihovu prevenciju. Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja su činila 13,4% od ukupno 464 slučaja utvrđenih profesionalnih oboljenja u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini u toku dvadesetogodi&scaron;njeg perioda od 1992. do 2011. godine. Od ukupno utvrđenih 62 slučaja profesionalnih infektivnih oboljenja dve trećine su činili profesionalni virusni hepatitisi, 31% profesionalne antropozoonoze i 3% profesionolana tuberkuloza. Dve trećine obolelih od profesionalnih infektivnih bolesti bile su osobe ženskog pola &scaron;to je statistički značajno vi&scaron;e u poređenju sa osobama mu&scaron;kog pola, dok su zaposleni mu&scaron;kog pola činili 57%, a ženskog 43% ukupno zaposlenih na teritoriji Vojvodine. Najče&scaron;ća profesionalna infektivna oboljenja bila su virusni hepatits B 52%, kju groznica 18%, virusni hepatitis C 15%, lajmska bolest 6%, leptospiroza 5%. Utvrđeno je da je do&scaron;lo do statistički značajnog sniženja incidencije profesionalnog virusnog hepatitisa B u<br />periodu nakon dono&scaron;enja odluke o obaveznoj imunizaciji 2002. godine, sa 6,27 na 1,35 na 100.000 zaposlenih, dok nije bilo statistički značajne razlike kada je u pitanju incidencija virusnog hepatitisa C. Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja su u vi&scaron;e od dve trećine slučajeva registrovana kod zdravstvenih radnika (69%) sa prosečnom incidencijom od 5,18 na 100.000 zaposlenih, znatno niža bila je incidencija u proizvodnji prehrambenih proizvoda (1,36) i poljoprivredi sa lovom, ribolovom i &scaron;umarstvom (1,11). Ne&scaron;to vi&scaron;e od trećine radnika bilo je privremeno nesposobno za rad u toku utvrđivanja profesionalnog oboljenja, jer je lečenje bilo u toku. Kod ovih radnika značajno je naknadno oceniti radnu sposobnost i utvrditi eventualne posledice oboljenja. Pored primene specifičnih mera imunizacije ukoliko postoje, kao i ličnih mera za&scaron;tita koje sprečavaju kontakt sa uzročnicima, značajno je sprovođenje edukacije radnika o rizicima i preventivnih lekarskih pregleda radi rane identifikacije obolelih radnika.</p> / <p>Occupational communicable diseases are caused by exposure to microorganism&rsquo;s in working environment. The aim of this study is to determine the types of occupational hazards that lead to occupational communicable diseases and their incidence in the economic activities of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, as well as the proposal of adequate measures for their prevention. Occupational communicable diseases accounted for 13.4% of the total of 464 cases of occupational diseases identified in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina during the twenty-year period from 1992 to 2011. In the total of 62 identified cases of occupational communicable diseases, occupational viral hepatitis accounted for two-thirds, occupational anthropozoonoses for 31%, occupational tuberculosis for 3%. Two-thirds of patients with occupational communicable diseases were females, significantly more compared to male, while male accounted for 57% and female for 43% of the total employees in Vojvodina. The most frequent occupational communicable diseases were viral hepatitis B 52%, Q fever 18%, viral hepatitis C 15%, Lyme disease 6%, leptospirosis 5%. It was found that there was a statistically significant decrease in the incidence of occupational viral hepatitis B in the period after the decision on obligatory immunization in 2002, from 6.27 to 1.35 per 100,000 employees, while there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of viral hepatitis C. In more than two-thirds of the cases occupational communicable diseases were registered in health care workers (69%) with the average incidence of 5.18 per 100,000 employees, substantially lower the incidence was in the production of food (1.36), as well as in agriculture, hunting, fishing and forestry (1.11). Just over a third of workers were temporarily unable to work during the verification of occupational disease due to the ongoing treatment. In these workers it is important to assess working ability afterwards and identify the possible consequences of the disease. In addition to the application of specific measures of immunization if any available, as well as personal protection measures that prevent contact with pathogens it is important to implement risk education of workers and preventive medical examinations for early identification of affected employees.</p>
Date22 June 2016
CreatorsŠpanović Milorad
ContributorsMikov Ivan, Turkulov Vesna, Glavaški-Kraljević Mirjana, Prokeš Bela, Jovanović Jovica
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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