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Conservative numerical schemes for high-frequency wave propagation in heterogeneous media

The present work focuses on the numerical resolution of the acoustic or elastic wave equation in a piece-wise homogeneous medium, splitted by interfaces. We are interested in a high-frequency setting, introduced by strongly oscillating initial conditions, for which one computes the distribution of the energy density by a so-called kinetic approach (based on the use of a Wigner transform). This problem then reduces to a Liouville-type transport equation in a piece-wise homogeneous medium, supplemented by reflection and transmission laws at the interfaces. Several numerical techniques and ranges of application are also reviewed. The transport equation which describes the evolution of the energy density in the phase space positions _ wave vectors is numerically solved by finite differences. This technique raises several difficulties related to the conservation of the total energy in the medium and at the interfaces. They may be alleviated by dedicated numerical schemes allowing to reduce the numerical dissipation by either a global or a local approach. The improvements presented in this thesis concern the interpolation of the energy densities obtained by transmission on the grid of discrete wave vectors, and the correction of the difference of variation scales of the wave celerity on each side of the interfaces. The interest of the foregoing developments is to obtain conservative schemes that also satisfy the usual convergence properties of finite difference methods. The construction of such schemes and their effective implementation constitute the main achievement of the thesis. The relevance of the proposed methods is illustrated by several numerical simulations, that also emphasize their efficiency for rather coarse meshes.
Date06 November 2013
CreatorsStaudacher, Joan
PublisherEcole Centrale Paris
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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