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Harnessing the intellectual capital of an organisation : an exploratory study

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although there is a general consensus that the knowledge society and the knowledge
economy has arrived, and that knowledge is a key business asset, organisations are
still in the early stages of understanding the implications of knowledge management
and intellectual capital.
The rise of the new economy that is principally driven by information and knowledge
can be attributed to the increased prominence of intellectual capital in organisations.
Intellectual capital features prominently in recent economic, managerial,
technological and sociological developments in a manner previously unknown and
The challenge of this research assignment is typified by the problem statement and
its objectives, namely: Although much has been written about knowledge
management, the learning organisation and intellectual capital, little, if any, has been
written about the relationship and correlation between knowledge management and
intellectual capital management. The challenge seems to provide integrated
guidelines and a practical implementation system as to how organisations can use
both knowledge management and intellectual capital for the formulation of a
comprehensive intellectual management approach.
In an attempt to develop guidelines and a practical implementation system for a
comprehensive intellectual capital management approach, the following was
undertaken with this research assignment:
Firstly, the impact of the knowledge economy on organisations is discussed.
Secondly, practical guidelines are provided on how to manage knowledge in
The various types of capitals are, furthermore, analysed and specific guidelines
provided on how to harness these different capitals in the organisations. The new phenomena of the intellectual capital entrepreneur is also highlighted. Lastly,
particular emphasis is provided to the formulation of a comprehensive intellectual
capital management approach. Practical guidelines are also formulated for the
implementation of a comprehensive intellectual capital management system for
Based on this study, some of the most important conclusions drawn are that:
• Successful management of knowledge is the basis for generating intellectual
capital in organisations on any long-term basis.
• The linking of knowledge management and intellectual capital activities is a
prerequisite for the successful implementation of an intellectual capital
management system in organisations.
• A comprehensive intellectual capital management system can only be
successfully implemented if organisations have structures in place to generate
intellectual capital on an ongoing basis.
Recommendations for further research include:
• The impact of the knowledge economy on South African organisations should be
• Research should be done as to how organisations can integrate knowledge
management and intellectual capital activities.
• The current role and impact of the intellectual entrepreneur in South African
organisations should be identified.
• Guidelines that will enable organisations to measure intellectual capital should be
The problem statement, namely, to provide South African organisations with a
practical and comprehensive intellectual capital management approach, is addressed
in this research. Recommendations to enhance intellectual capital in organisations
are provided and explained. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel daar algemene konsensus is dat die kennisgemeenskap en die
kennisekonomie ‘n realiteit is, en dat kennis ‘n belangrike bate is, is organisasies nog
in die vroeë stadiums om te begryp wat die implikasies van kennisbestuur en
intellektuele kapitaal is.
Die opkoms van die nuwe ekonomie, wat hoofsaaklik deur inligting en kennis gedryf
was, kan toegeskryf word aan die toenemende prominensie van intellektuele kapitaal
in organisasies. Intellektuele kapitaal figureer prominent in resente ekonomiese,
bestuurs, tegnologiese en sosiologiese ontwikkelings op ‘n wyse wat voorheen
onbekend en onvoorsien was.
Die uitdaging van hierdie navorsingstaak word gekenmerk deur die probleemstelling
en sy doelwitte, naamlik:
Alhoewel heelwat geskryf is oor kennisbestuur, die lerende organisasie en
intellektuele kapitaal, is baie min, indien enige, geskryf oor die verwantskap en
korrelasie tussen kennisbestuur en intellektuele kapitaalbestuur. Dit blyk dat die
uitdaging geïntegreerde riglyne verskaf en ook ‘n praktiese implementeringsisteem
daarstel oor hoe organisasies beide kennisbestuur en intellektuele kapitaal kan benut
vir die formulering van ‘n alomvattende intellektuele bestuursbenadering.
In ‘n poging om riglyne en ‘n praktiese implementeringsisteem vir ‘n alomvattende
intellektuele kapitaal bestuursbenadering te ontwikkel, is die volgende onderneem
met hierdie navorsingstaak:
Eerstens is die impak van kennisekonomie op organisasies bespreek, en tweedens
is praktiese riglyne verskaf oor hoe kennis in organisasies bestuur moet word. Verder is verskeie tipes intellektuele kapitale geanaliseer en is spesifieke riglyne
verskaf oor hoe hierdie verskillende kapitale in die organisasies toegepas kan word.
Die nuwe verskynsel van die intellektuele kapitaal entrepreneur is uitgelig en
besondere klem is gelê op die formulering van ‘n bestuursbenadering vir intellektuele
kapitaal. Laastens is praktiese riglyne ook geformuleer vir die implementering van ‘n
alomvattende bestuursbenadering tot ‘n intellektuele kapitaalsisteem binne
Met hierdie studie as basis is die volgende van die mees belangrike gevolgtrekkings:
- Suksesvolle bestuur van kennis is die grondslag van enige langtermyn
ontwikkeling van intellektuele kapitaal in organisasies.
- Die ineenskakeling van kennisbestuur en intellektuele kapitaal aktiwiteite is ‘n
voorvereiste vir die suksesvolle implementering van ‘n intellektuele kapitaal
bestuursisteem in organisasies.
- ‘n Alomvattende intellektuele kapitaal bestuursisteem kan alleenlik suksesvol
geïmplementeer word as organisasies strukture in plek het om intellektuele
kapitaal op ‘n deurlopende basis te genereer.
Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing sluit die volgende in:
- Die impak van die kennisekonomie op Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies behoort
bepaal te word.
- Navorsing behoort gedoen te word met betrekking tot hoe organisasies
kennisbestuur en intellektuele kapitaal aktiwiteite kan integreer.
- Die bestaande rol en impak van die intellektuele entrepreneur in Suid-
Afrikaanse organisasies behoort geïdentifiseer te word.
- Riglyne behoort ontwikkel te word wat organisasies in staat sal stel om
intellektuele kapitaal te meet.
Die probleemstelling, naamlik om Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies te voorsien van ‘n
praktiese en alomvattende intellektuele kapitaal bestuursbenadering, is in hierdie
navorsing aangespreek. Aanbevelings om intellektuele kapitaal in organisasies te
versterk is verskaf en verduidelik.
Date12 1900
CreatorsBeyers, Lourens Johannes Erasmus
ContributorsVan der Walt, M. S., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Information Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsStellenbosch University

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