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'n Kritiese ondersoek na die inligtingsverwerkingsbenadering in die kognitiewe sielkunde

Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek word gedoen na die aard, die oorsprong en die geloofwaardigheid van
die inligtingsvetwerkingsbenadering in die kognitiewe sielkunde.
Reeds vir die antieke Griekse denkers vorm logika 'n uitdrukking van die essensie
van rede. Hierdie beskouing sou tydens die sewentiende eeu ontwikkel word tot die
gedagte aan die subjek as 'n innerlike ruimte waarbinne die wereld van objekte in
terme van logies-wiskundige rekonstruksies geken word. Die materialistiese
beskouing reken dat alle dinge op hierdie wyse kenbaar is, maar ontken die subjek as
vootwaarde vir sulke kennis, deur te poog om ook dit tot die objektiewe orde te
Die inligtingsteorie volg uit die ontstaan van die wiskundige logika, en hied 'n
algemene teorie van probleemoplossing, die teorie van formele sisteme. Dit lewer 'n
model vir die denke as die manipulering van simbole d.m.v. formele
manipulasiereels. Hierdie simbole is abstrakte objekte, slegs onderskeibaar aan die
hand van hulle vorm, maar kan onderling in hulle logiese samehang die wetmatige
relasies tussen dinge soos dit in die wereld voorkom behou, en so dien as
voorstellings van die wereld.
Die funksionalistiese benadering tot denke is 'n poging om die probleem van die
verhouding tussen denke en gedrag (die subjek-objekprobleem) op te los deur 'n
toepassing van die inligtingsteorie. Funksionaliste wat die betekenisaspek of
intensionele inhoud van die denke emstig opneem, reken dat terwyl voorstellings
innerlik funksioneer as simbole in 'n formele sisteem, dit ook dien as verwysings na
objekte in die ervaringswereld. Diegene wat 'n materialistiese reduksionisme
aanvaarbaar vind ontken bloot die verwysingsvlak, en beskou die innerlike
vetwerkings suiwer as sintaktiese prosesse.
Aan die hand van 'n ontleding van die inligtingsvetwerkingsbenadering in
verskillende manifestasies daarvan, word aangetoon dat die oplossing wat gebied
word vir die probleem van die verhouding tussen denke en gedrag onsuksesvol is.
Solank die onderliggende objektivistiese vooraannames gehandhaaf word, is die
probleem waarskynlik in beginsel onoplosbaar.

'n Verskuiwing van perspektief is wenslik. Aandag moet gegee word aan die
konkrete betrokkenheid van 'n mens in sy wereld, wat hy in handeling tot
uitdrukking bring, en wat in taal binne 'n gemeenskaplike raamwerk geplaas word. / An inquiry is conducted into the nature, origins, and tenability of the information
processing approach in cognitive psychology.
Logic regarded as the essence of reason originates with classical Greek philosophy.
In the seventeenth century this developed into the idea of the subject as an inner
space where the world of objects is known by way of a mathematical-logical
reconstruction. To materialists all things are known in this way, but the existence of
the subject as a precondition for such knowledge is denied, by attempting to reduce
it to the world of objects.
Information theory developed in the wake of mathematical logic, and presents a
general theory of problem-solving in the theory of formal systems. This suggests a
model of the mind in terms of the manipulation of symbols by way of formal rules.
Such symbols are abstract objects, individuated only by their form. Through the
logical relationships among them they are able to maintain the lawlike relationships
that exist among things in the world. In this way they serve as representations of the
The functionalist approach to mind is an attempt to solve the problem of the
relationship between thought and behaviour (i.e. the subject-object problem) by the
application of information theory. Those functionalists that take the aspect of
meaning or the intentional content of the mind seriously, argue that while
representations function inwardly as symbols in a formal system, they also refer to
objects in the world of experience. Materialist reductionists simply deny the level of
referral, and view the inner computations as a purely syntactical process.
By analyzing the information processing approach in various guises, it is shown that
the solution given to the problem of the relationship between mind and behaviour
does not succeed. As long as the underlying objectivist assumptions are maintained,
this problem appears to be insoluble.
A shift of perspective is suggested. Attention should be directed to the concrete
involvement of a person with his world, as expressed in action, and how this is placed
in a communal frame of reference through the power of language. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
Date11 1900
CreatorsKruger, Pieter, 1954-
ContributorsJordaan, W.J., Roux, A.P.J.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 online resource (ix, 307 leaves)

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