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Avalia??o do crescimento, necessidade h?drica e efici?ncia no uso da ?gua pela cultura do piment?o (Capsicum annuum.L), sob manejo org?nico nos sistemas de plantio com preparo de solo e direto - Seropedica, RJ / Evaluation of the vegetal growth, hydric necessity and water use efficiency by bell pepper crop (Capsicum annum. L.) under organic management in system of seeding with prepare soil and no till cropping system.

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Previous issue date: 2006-02-21 / Evaluation of the vegetal growth, hydric necessity and
water use efficiency by bell pepper crop (Capsicum annum. L.) under organic
management in system of seeding with prepare soil and no till cropping system.
This work was conducted in the experimental area of SIPA (Integrated system of agro
ecological production), at the county of Serop?dica RJ, with the aim of valuate the
growth , the water needs, and the efficiency of the use of the water by the bell pepper
culture (Capsicum annuum. L ), at the conventional (PC) and the direct systems of
soiling. The conventional system consisted of soil prepare with rotational hoe tied to a
micro tractor, and the direct soiling, being done after the occupation of the area with a
combination of Sorghum bicolor and Crotal?ria acroleura, that was grazed at the
transplantation of the bell pepper s seedlings without previous soil preparation. The
same fertilization and cultural practices permitted by the agro ecological handling, was
used in both systems. The two systems tested, received sprinkler irrigation, and the
determination of the water s blade, was made by monitoring with TDR (Time Domain
Reflectometry), calibrated for the soil conditions of the experimental area. The splits
were also monitorated by a tensiometer at a 50 cm. deep. Collects were made at
intervals of 14 days, with the aim of foliar area evaluation, biomass accumulation by the
parts of the plant, along the entire cycle, being also evaluated the crop production at the
two systems of soiling. By the adjustment of the IAF (Foliar Area Indices ) and the
biomass accumulated by the plant at the two systems of planting in function of
accumulated day-degree (GDA), was verified that 1533 GDA was necessary to
complete the productive cycle, reaching the top of accumulated biomass at 1059 and
1148 GDA, at PC and PD respectivement. There were no differences between the
systems of planting, in respect of the growth rate and the productivity, however the PD
system gave less competition between spontaneous vegetation and the bell pepper crop,
reducing in 60% the necessity of hand labor at the firsts weddings. The PD system raise
the efficiency of the use of water (EUA) by the crop reducing in 47,5 mm. the blade
applied during its cycle, in relation of PC. The irrigation handling using TDR, provide
an meaning EUA of 4,4 Kg.m-3, above the means of 1,5 to 3,0Kg.m-3, recommended by
Doorenbos & Kassam (1994). The culture coefficients (Kc) recommended for the bell
pepper crop, were evaluated together with the calculated coefficients using some
methodologies proposed in this work, and was noted that the estimated Kc s values of
the production cycles (ETc cycle) and by the Kc curve (graphic ETc) estimated during
the culture cycle, were more appropriated for the calculation of the evapotranspiration
of the crop. The estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo), by the pan class A
method, made possible means close to those estimated by the Penman-Monteith model
witch is recommended by FAO as standard. Therefore, the pan class A method, can be
utilized in the estimated ETo, at same conditions of the experiment when there are no
data of climate for the Penman-Monteith model use. Associated tensiometry and TDR
for irrigation management, showed to be an essential practice when looking for raising
the efficiency of the use of water. / Este trabalho foi realizado na ?rea experimental do SIPA (Sistema Integrado de
produ??o Agroecol?gica), localizada no munic?pio de Serop?dica-RJ, com o objetivo de
avaliar o crescimento, as necessidades h?dricas e a efici?ncia no uso da ?gua pela cultura
do piment?o (Capsicum annuum. L), nos sistemas de plantio convencional (PC) e direto
(PD). O sistema convencional consistiu de preparo de solo com enxada rotativa
acoplada a micro-trator e o plantio direto, na ocupa??o da ?rea com pr?-cultivo,
utilizando o cons?rcio Sorghum bicolor e Crotal?ria acroleura, os quais foram ro?ados
por ocasi?o do transplante das mudas de piment?o, sem o preparo pr?vio do solo. Em
ambos os tratamentos a cultura recebeu a mesma aduba??o de cova e tratos culturais
permitidos pelo manejo agroecol?gico. Nos dois sistemas de plantio a cultura foi
irrigada por aspers?o, e a determina??o das l?minas aplicadas, foi realizada atrav?s do
monitoramento com TDR (Reflectometria no dom?nio do tempo), calibrado para as
condi??es de solo da ?rea experimental. As parcelas foram monitoradas tamb?m por
tensi?metro no perfil de 50cm de profundidade. Foram realizadas coletas em intervalos
de 14 dias com a finalidade de avaliar a ?rea foliar e acumulo de biomassa pelas partes
da planta, durante todo o seu ciclo, sendo avaliado tamb?m a produ??o pela cultura nos
dois sistemas de plantio. Por meio do ajuste do IAF e da biomassa acumulada pela
planta nos dois sistemas de plantio em fun??o de graus-dia acumulado (GDA),
constatou-se que s?o necess?rios 1533 GDA para que a planta complete o seu ciclo
produtivo, atingindo o m?ximo de biomassa acumulada aos 1059 e 1148 GDA, no PC e
PD, respectivamente. Os sistemas de plantio n?o diferiram significativamente entre si
com rela??o ?s taxas de crescimento e produtividade, entretanto o plantio direto
proporcionou menor competi??o da vegeta??o espont?nea com a cultura, reduzindo em
60 % a necessidade de m?o-de-obra nas primeiras capinas. O PD aumentou a efici?ncia
no uso da ?gua (EUA), pela cultura, reduzindo em 47,5mm a l?mina aplicada durante o
seu ciclo, em rela??o ao PC. O manejo da irriga??o utilizando o TDR, proporcionou a
EUA m?dia de 4,4kg.m-3, acima dos valores 1,5 a 3,0kg.m-3 propostos por Doorenbos
e Kassam (1994). Os Coeficientes de cultivo (Kc) recomendados para a cultura, foram
avaliados juntamente com os calculados por v?rias metodologias propostas neste
trabalho, verificando-se que os valores de Kc estimados em fun??o dos ciclos de
produ??o (ETc ciclo) e pela curva de Kc (ETc gr?fico) estimados durante o ciclo da
cultura, se mostraram mais adequados ao c?lculo da evapotranspira??o da cultura. A
estimativa da evapotranspira??o refer?ncia (ETo), pelo m?todo do tanque classe A ,
possibilitou valores pr?ximos aos estimados pelo modelo de Penman-Monteith
recomendado pela FAO como padr?o. Portanto o m?todo do tanque classe A poder?
ser utilizado na estimativa da ETo, em condi??es semelhantes a do experimento, quando
n?o houver disponibilidade de dados clim?ticos para o uso do modelo de Penman-
Monteith. O uso da tensiometria associado ao TDR no manejo de irriga??o revelou ser
uma pr?tica indispens?vel, quando se almeja aumentar a efici?ncia no uso da ?gua.
Date21 February 2006
CreatorsPereira, Jo?o Batista Alves
ContributorsCarvalho, Daniel Fonseca de, Guerra, Jos? Guilherme Marinho
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Curso de P?s-Gradua??o em Fitotecnia, UFRRJ, Brasil, Ci?ncias Agr?rias
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ

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