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Učestalost i tipovi mutacija receptora epidermalnog faktora rasta u invazivnim adenokarcinomima pluća / Frequency and types of mutations of epidermal growth factor receptors in invasive lung adenocarcinomas

<p>Receptor epidermalnog faktora rasta (EGFR) pripada porodici receptora protein-tirozin kinaze čija je aktivacija povezana sa proliferacijom malignih, invazijom, inhibicijom apoptoze, tumorskom angiogenezom i metastatskim &scaron;irenjem stoga ima važnu ulogu u karcinogenezi i tumorskoj progresiji. Aktivirane mutacije se odvijaju oko katalitičkog tirozin kinaza domena. Biopsijski, citolo&scaron;ki i hirur&scaron;ki uzorci se koriste u detekciji EGFR mutacija u momentu postavljanja dijagnoze adenokarcinoma ili karcinoma sa komponentom adenokarcinoma, najpouzdanije lančanom reakcijom polimeraze. Činjenica da primena ciljane molekularne terapije tirozin kinaza inhibitorima kod obolelih sa EGFR mutiranim adenokarcinomom pluća pobolj&scaron;ava prognozu bolesti, postoji rezistencija kod pojedinih tipova EGFR mutacija i povezanost histopatolo&scaron;kim i imunohistohemijskim karakteristikama tumora, da je bronholo&scaron;ki uzorak često jedini uzorak u kome je potrebno odrediti i molekularni profil tumora osnovni cilj ove disertacije bio je da se odredi učestalost i tip EGFR mutacija i povezanost sa karakteristikama adenokarcinoma. Da bi se taj cilj realizovao postavljeni su sekundarni ciljevi odnosno da se: izvr&scaron;i histopatolo&scaron;ka reklasifikacija adenokarcinoma pluća na osnovu kriterijuma koje je postavila internacionalna asocijacija za proučavanje carcinoma pluća, američko torakalno dru&scaron;tvo i evropsko respiratorno dru&scaron;tvo; odredi ekspresija TTF-1 u adenokarcinomu pluća i povezanost sa EGFR mutacionim statusom; odredi učestalost, tip i povezanost EGFR mutacija sa predominantnim tipom adenokarcinoma i utvrdi da li bronhoskopska biopsija može da bude reprezentativni uzorak za određivanje EGFR mutacionog statusa. Histopatolo&scaron;ka građa adenokarcinoma pluća u hirur&scaron;kim uzorcima je heterogenija u odnosu na biopsijske uzorke i ta razlika je statistički značajna (p&lt;0,001). Acinarno predominantni tip je najzastupljeniji u hirur&scaron;kim i biopsijskim uzorcima bez statistički značajne razlike u raspodeli predominantnih tipova u njima (p=0,65883). Predominantni tip u primarnom tumoru određuje predominantni tip u limfogenim metastazama. EGFR mutacije tipa insercija na egzonu 21 i L858R mutacija na egzonu 20 su detektovane kod tri od 60 (5%) bolesnika u pet od 120 uzoraka (tri hirur&scaron;ka i dva biopsijska uzorka), če&scaron;će kod žena, starijih od 60 godina, pu&scaron;ača i u solidno predominantnom tipu. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u koncentraciji izolovane DNK između EGFR mutiranih i wt EGFR adenokarcinoma u biopsijskim (p=0,132) i hirur&scaron;kim uzorcima (p=0,641). Procenat invalidnih rezultata prilikom određivanja EGFR mutacionog statusa u je veći u biopsijskim uzorcima u odnosu na hirur&scaron;ke uzorke. Postoji statistički značajna razlika izmeĐu broja TTF-1 pozitivnih i TTF-1 negativnih adenokarcinoma (p&lt;0,001), ali ne i u raspodeli ovih bolesnika prema polovima (p=0,1231), prosečnoj starosti, pu&scaron;ačkim navikama (p=0,6488) i prosečnoj veličini tumora (p=0,21). Postoji pozitivna korelacija između TTF-1 pozitivne ekspresije i EGFR mutacionog statusa stoga TTF-1 pozitivna ekspresija može da bude prediktor pozitivnog EGFR mutacionog statusa. Bronhoskopska biopsija je reprezentativni uzorak za određivanje EGFR mutacionog statusa zato &scaron;to: većina dijagnostičkih biopsijskih uzoraka ima vi&scaron;e od 100 očuvanih tumorskih ćelija, nema razlike u raspodeli predominantnih tipova u odnosu na hirur&scaron;ke uzorke, EGFR mutacije se detektuju u uzorcima sa manje od 100 tumorskih ćelija i manje od 20% volumenske gustine tumorskog tkiva, razlika između koncentracije izolovane DNK u EGFR mutiranim i wt EGFR adenokarcinomima u biopsijskim i hirur&scaron;kim uzorcima nije statistički značajna (p=0,132 i p=0,641).</p> / <p>Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) belongs to the family of protein-tyrosin kinase family, whose activation is associated with the proliferation of malignant cells, invasion, inhibition of apoptosis, tumor angiogenesis and metastatic spread and thus plays an important role in carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Activated mutations take place around the catalytic tyrosine kinase domain. Biopsy, cytological and surgical specimens are used for the detection of EGFR mutations at the time of diagnosis of adenocarcinoma or carcinoma with an adenocarcinoma component, most reliably using a polymerase chain reaction. The fact that the application of molecular tyrosin kinase inhibitor therapy to patients with EGFR mutated lung adenocarcinoma improves the prognosis of the disease, there is resistance in certain types of EGFR mutations and connection with histopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of tumor, that the bronchoscopic specimen is often the only specimen in which it is necessary to determine the molecular profile of the tumor, the primary objective of this thesis is to determine the frequency and type of EGFR mutations and their connection with the characteristics of adenocarcinoma. In order to realize this objective, the following secondary objectives have been set: to execute histopathological reclassification of lung adenocarcinoma based on the criteria set by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, the American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society; determine the expression of TTF-1 in lung adenocarcinoma and connection with EGFR mutation status; determine the frequency, type and connection of EGFR mutations with predominant type of adenocarcinoma and confirm whether bronchoscopic biopsy may be a representative specimen for the determination of EGFR mutation status. Histopathological material of lung adenocarcinoma in surgical specimens is more heterogeneous in relation to biopsy specimens and such difference is statistically significant (p&lt;0,001). Acinar predominant type is the most common in surgical and biopsy specimens with no statistically significant differences in the distribution of predominant type among them (p=0,65883). The predominant type in the primary tumor determines the predominant type in lymphatic metastases. EGFR mutations in the type of insertions on exon 21 and L858R mutations on exon 20 have been detected in three out of 60 (5%) of patients in five out of 120 specimens (three surgical and two biopsy samples), more often in women older than 60, smokers and in a solid predominant type. There are no statistically significant differences in the concentration of isolated DNA between EGFR mutated and wt EGFR adenocarcinoma in biopsy (p=0,132) and surgical specimens (p=0,641). The percentage of invalid results in determining the EGFR mutation status is higher in biopsy specimens compared to the surgical specimens. There is a statistically significant difference between the number of TTF-1 positive and TTF-1 negative adenocarcinoma (p&lt;0,001), but not in the distribution of these patients according to gender (p=0,1231), average age, smoking habits (p=0,6488) and average tumor size (p-0,21). There is a positive correlation between TTF-1 positive expression and EGFR mutation status and therefore TTF-1 positive expression can be a predictor of positive EGFR mutation status. Bronchoscopic biopsy is a representative sample for the determination of EGFR mutation status because: most diagnostic biopsy specimens have more than 100 preserved tumor cells, there is no difference in the distribution of predominant types in relation to surgical specimens, EGFR mutations are detected in samples with less than 100 tumor cells and less than 20% of volume density of tumor tissue, the difference between the concentration of isolated DNA in EGFR mutated and wt EGFR adenocarcinoma in biopsy and surgical specimens is not statistically significant (p=0,132 and p=0,641).</p>
Date08 July 2016
CreatorsTegeltija Dragana
ContributorsEri Živka, Tadić Latinović Ljiljana, Trivunić Dajko Sandra, Stanić Jelena, Živojinov Mirjana, Koledin Miloš
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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