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SCUT-DS: Methodologies for Learning in Imbalanced Data Streams

The automation of most of our activities has led to the continuous production of data that arrive in the form of fast-arriving streams. In a supervised learning setting, instances in these streams are labeled as belonging to a particular class. When the number of classes in the data stream is more than two, such a data stream is referred to as a multi-class data stream. Multi-class imbalanced data stream describes the situation where the instance distribution of the classes is skewed, such that instances of some classes occur more frequently than others. Classes with the frequently occurring instances are referred to as the majority classes, while the classes with instances that occur less frequently are denoted as the minority classes.
Classification algorithms, or supervised learning techniques, use historic instances to build models, which are then used to predict the classes of unseen instances. Multi-class imbalanced data stream classification poses a great challenge to classical classification algorithms. This is due to the fact that traditional algorithms are usually biased towards the majority classes, since they have more examples of the majority classes when building the model. These traditional algorithms yield low predictive accuracy rates for the minority instances and need to be augmented, often with some form of sampling, in order to improve their overall performances.
In the literature, in both static and streaming environments, most studies focus on the binary class imbalance problem. Furthermore, research in multi-class imbalance in the data stream environment is limited. A number of researchers have proceeded by transforming a multi-class imbalanced setting into multiple binary class problems. However, such a transformation does not allow the stream to be studied in the original form and may introduce bias. The research conducted in this thesis aims to address this research gap by proposing a novel online learning methodology that combines oversampling of the minority classes with cluster-based majority class under-sampling, without decomposing the data stream into multiple binary sets. Rather, sampling involves continuously selecting a balanced number of instances across all classes for model building. Our focus is on improving the rate of correctly predicting instances of the minority classes in multi-class imbalanced data streams, through the introduction of the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Cluster-based Under-sampling - Data Streams (SCUT-DS) methodologies. In this work, we dynamically balance the classes by utilizing a windowing mechanism during the incremental sampling process. Our SCUT-DS algorithms are evaluated using six different types of classification techniques, followed by comparing their results against a state-of-the-art algorithm. Our contributions are tested using both synthetic and real data sets. The experimental results show that the approaches developed in this thesis yield high prediction rates of minority instances as contained in the multiple minority classes within a non-evolving stream.
Date January 2018
CreatorsOlaitan, Olubukola
ContributorsViktor, Herna
PublisherUniversité d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish

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