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Neutrophil responses to infection with leishmania parasites: MHC class II-expression and parasite life-stage interactions

The vector-borne protozoan Leishmania spp. cause the spectrum of disease known as leishmaniasis in human and animal hosts. The most common manifestations of leishmaniasis are the chronic, ulcerative skin disease cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), and the more serious visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in which parasites take up residence in internal organs, causing death if not treated. The role of neutrophils (PMNs) in the immune response to CL and VL is unclear. It is s generally thought that PMNs are only a short-lived effector cell, and have been disregarded as playing a role in chronic Leishmania spp. infection. As both CL and VL are diseases characterized by increased inflammatory immune mediators, we hypothesized that PMNs from human or animal models of chronic leishmaniasis would display different properties from PMNs from healthy controls. We found in a subset of CL and VL patients circulating PMNs expressing HLA-DR, the human form of MHC class II, a molecule thought to be restricted primarily to professional antigen cells. When we examined PMNs recruited to CL skin lesions in human patients, or similar lesions in experimental murine model of CL, we found significantly increased MHC class II+ PMNs. Circulating HLA-DR+ PMNs also expressed the co-stimulatory molecules CD80, CD86 and CD40. While this suggested an antigen-presenting cell-like phenotype by these HLA-DR+ PMNs, compared to conventional HLA-DR- PMNs, HLA-DR+ PMNs showed not only a neutrophil-like appearance and function, but in fact increased activation, degranulation, intracellular MPO and phagocytosis of parasites and zymosan particles. Incubation of healthy control whole blood with inflammatory cytokines resulted in increased HLA-DR+ PMNs and the presence of hladrb1 mRNA, suggesting a connection between neutrophil “priming” and upregulation of HLA-DR.
In addition to HLA-DR+ PMNs in CL patients, we also identified the presence of so-called “low-density” neutrophils (LD-PMNs). These neutrophils, which are enriched in low-density fractions following centrifugation of blood over a density gradient, are reported in numerous disease states, including cancer, HIV, and systemic lupus erythematosus. In some disease states, LD-PMN are reported to be immunosuppressive toward T cell activation and proliferation. However, LD-PMNs from leishmaniasis patients showed no evidence of immunosuppression. Additionally, we found that LD-PMNs show significantly increased surface expression of MHC class II, suggesting a heretofore unappreciated connection between these atypical neutrophil phenotypes. We also investigated the in vitro interactions with different Leishmania infantum life-stages, both those that cause acute infection (promastigotes) and amastigotes, which are found during chronic stages of the disease. We found that PMNs are readily infected by all L. infantum life-stages, but that amastigotes may have different methods of interacting with PMN surface receptors and are better equipped to avoid PMN anti-microbial responses.
These data suggest that circulating PMNs in chronic leishmaniasis may have unique phenotypes and interact differently with the Leishmania spp. life-cycle present during chronic infection. Further investigation of the role of PMNs and atypical PMN phenotypes in chronic disease may help identify new immunomodulatory roles for this cell type.
Date01 December 2016
CreatorsDavis, Richard Elliot
ContributorsWilson, Mary E.
PublisherUniversity of Iowa
Source SetsUniversity of Iowa
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceTheses and Dissertations
RightsCopyright © 2016 Richard Elliot Davis

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