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Předměty duševního vlastnictví vytvářené v pracovněprávních vztazích v ČR a ve vybraných členských státech EU / Intellectual property objects created in labour-law relationships in the Czech Republic and selected countries of the European Union

1 Intellectual property objects created in labour-law relationships in the Czech Republic and selected countries of the European Union Abstract The contemporary modern period of 21st century is characterised by a constantly developing progress, new information technologies as well as innovative tendencies in all spheres of human life, allowing individuals their own self-fulfilment through their own intellectual activity. It is not unusual for an intangible property to be created as a result of human intellectual activity carried out during a labour-law relationship. As a result thereof, a legal regulation of the mutual relationships of the contractual parties, i.e. the employee and the employer, with respect to the result of such a human intellectual activity, is necessary. The submitted dissertation thesis deals with a legal regulation of the intellectual property objects created by employees in the course of labour-law relationships de lege lata in the Czech Republic and in the selected countries of the European Union, i.e. the France and the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The dissertation thesis is composed of five coherent chapters, whereby the third chapter dealing with the legal regulation de lege lata of selected intellectual property objects created by employees in the...
Date January 2018
CreatorsSoldado, Jitka
ContributorsVysokajová, Margerita, Štangová, Věra, Tröster, Petr, Dobřichovský, Tomáš
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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