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"Simbolika likovne umetnosti Roma i evropski sistem kulturnih vrednosti" / "Symbolics of Roma’s Fine Arts and European System of Cultural Values"

<p>Proces tranzicije i projekti modernizacije u<br />većini postsocijalističkih dru&scaron;tava u Evropi,<br />samim tim i na Balkanu, realizovani su u formi<br />deformisane imitativne modernizacije ili<br />kontramodernizacije. Romi su i dalje<br />periferija, ali ovoga puta Evropske unije. Pred<br />njima je neizvesna budućnost u liku alternativa:<br />perspektiva postmodernog totalitarizma sa<br />tehnokratskom diktaturom, ili formiranje<br />čovečanstva kao zajednice ravnopravnih<br />građana i naroda u duhu modela socijaldemokratske<br />globalizacije sveta sa respektom<br />bogatstva kulturnih različitosti sveta, sa<br />globalizacijom razumevanja i solidarnosti među<br />narodima Dakle, i na nama savremenicima je<br />velika odgovornost kakav će oblik, lik i su&scaron;tinu<br />imati budućnost čovečanstva &ndash; da li će se ono<br />razvijati u ključu humanizacije dru&scaron;tva i<br />emancipacije čoveka, ili pak novih oblika<br />socijalnog, političkog i kulturnog porobljavanja.<br />Upravo iz tog razloga, izučavanje specifičnosti<br />stvarala&scaron;tva Roma u kontekstu evropskog<br />sistema kulturnih vrednosti ima veliki značaj.<br />U savremenom svetu, Romi kao etnička grupa<br />sve če&scaron;će postaju predmet interesovanja<br />naučnih istraživanja. &bdquo;Simbolika likovne<br />umetnosti Roma i evropski sistem kulturnih<br />vrednosti&rdquo; pokazuje se u dana&scaron;nje vreme krajnje<br />interesantnom temom istraživanja, s obzirom na<br />njen teorijski i na praktični aspekt. Reč je o umetnostje u svojoj formalnosti dugo vremena<br />bivala mimikrijska, zahvaljujući simboličkoj<br />vrednosti njenih artefakata. Mi je<br />multidisciplinarnim uvidom sagledavamo u<br />obrisima. Likovna umetnost Roma ima svoj<br />korpus koji je dugo bio zatočen u nacionalnim<br />predstavama izbegavajući oznaku romski.<br />Identitet Roma, kao i njihov imidž u Srbiji i<br />Evropi, sveden je na ovu marginalizovanu<br />dimenziju kulture, a kulturna tradicija Roma<br />podvrgnuta je IRONIZACIJI I<br />VULGARIZACIJI od strane većinske i drugih<br />manjinskih zajednica. Romska kultura,<br />artefakti, umetnici formalno su nevidljivi i<br />nemaju prepoznatljivost u dru&scaron;tvu. Ovaj rad je<br />doprinos osvetljavanju aspekta valorizacije<br />romskog kulturnog korpusa.</p> / <p>Transition processes and modernization projects<br />in most post-socialist societies in Europe,<br />including Balcans, have been realized in the<br />form of deformed imitative modernization or<br />counter-modernization. Roma people are still at<br />periphery, but this time at the periphery of<br />European Union. They are facing uncertain<br />future, with alternatives of postmodern<br />totalitarianism with technocratic dictature, or<br />humanity as community of equal citizens and<br />ethnic groups in the spirit of social-democratic<br />globalization, with respect for cultural<br />differences and understanding and solidarity<br />among nations. Contemporaries bear<br />responsibility for what form and essence the<br />future of humanity will have &ndash; whether it will<br />develop in the course of humanization of<br />society and emancipation of people, or its<br />develepment will be directed toward new forms<br />of social, political and cultural oppression.<br />Therefore, the researh of specificity of Roma&rsquo;s<br />creative work in the context of European system<br />of cultural values is of great importance.<br />In contemporary world, Roma people as ethnic<br />group are becoming the subject of scientific<br />research more and more frequently. &bdquo;Symbolics<br />of Roma&rsquo;s fine arts and European system of<br />cultural values&ldquo; turns out to be very interesting<br />topic for studying, considering its theoretical<br />and applied aspects. This thesis is<br />interdisciplinary study with both theoretical and<br />broader cultural relevance, for this topic yields<br />the possibility for the analysis and dialog of<br />different culturological value dimensions which<br />are built in centuries-long history of Europe.<br />Study deals with a &bdquo;specific illumination&ldquo; of<br />unlit aspects of Roma people and the field of<br />fine arts, their possible history, developmental<br />paths and actuality. Today, this issue is<br />significant for plenty of reasons, since this<br />problem is shadowed by many ephemeral studies which yielded modest results. This work<br />is based on scientific analytical-synthetic<br />paradigm. The main research problem addressed<br />in this study is the question: whether the<br />symbolics of Roma&rsquo;s fine arts exists in the<br />European system of cultural values, or whether<br />symbolics of Roma&rsquo;s art reflects in European<br />culture. Descriptive, hermetical and<br />comparative historical methods were used in the<br />study under the framework of synchronic and<br />diachronic approach. Because of the specificity<br />of the research subject, thought experiment was<br />used as well, as logical principle of aesthetical<br />analysis.<br />In this research, aesthetical discussion, evidence<br />of visible and invisible Roma&rsquo;s art has been<br />developed, as well as evidence of elements of<br />symbolics in the fine arts of Roma people in the<br />context of European system of cultural values.<br />Roma&rsquo;s fine art has been mimicric for a long<br />time, because of the symbolic value of its<br />artefacts. Using multidisciplinary approach, we<br />recognize its contours. Its corpus has been<br />detained in national notions, by avoiding label<br />Romani. Roma&rsquo;s identity, as well as their image<br />in Serbia and Europe, has been reduced to this<br />marginalized cultural dimension, and Roma&rsquo;s<br />cultural tradition has been exposed to<br />ironization and vulgarization by national<br />majority and other national minorities. Roma&rsquo;s<br />culture, artefacts, artists are formaly invisible<br />and unrecognized. This work contributes to<br />illumination and valorization of Roma&rsquo;s cultural<br />corpus.</p>
Date17 March 2015
CreatorsTairović Zoran
ContributorsKoković Dragan, Novaković Dragoljub, Đorđević Dragoljub, Nedeljković Slobodan, Popović Živko
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Asocijacija centara za interdisciplinarne i multidisciplinarne studije i istraživanja, University of Novi Sad, Association of Centres for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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