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Single-event burnout in power diodes is studied using coupled electro-thermal simulations. A two-dimensional rectangular diode structure is designed and steady-state electrical characteristics are simulated. Single-event effects are simulated using an ion-strike modeled after data reported in the literature and transient characteristics are simulated following the strike. Ion-strike simulations are performed under isothermal conditions to study temperature-dependent device properties. Coupled electro-thermal simulations are performed to study a thermal feedback loop as a possible failure mechanism. Single-event burnout is not observed for the power diode and a thermal feedback loop is not identified. Highly localized temperature rise near pn junction is observed along the strike direction. Impact-ionization induced charge is responsible for local power generation that leads to this temperature rise. Further, two-dimensional axi-symmetric or 3D simulations could provide more incite into single-event burnout of power diodes.
Date01 June 2006
CreatorsMahajan, Sameer Vinayak
ContributorsProfessor Ronald D. Schrimpf, Professor D. Greg Walker
Source SetsVanderbilt University Theses
Detected LanguageEnglish
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