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In situ and ex situ soil respiration in natural, Acacia-invaded and cleared riparian ecotones in the Fynbos Biome

Thesis (MScConEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Soil respiration (Rs) is a major component of CO2 emissions and the global carbon balance. In the context of global change it of interest to understand seasonal patterns of RS in fynbos riparian ecosystems, particularly in invaded-riparian ecotones of these Mediterranean type ecosystems (MTE's) in the Western Cape, South Africa. Riparian ecotones are three dimensional transitional zones that provide multiple ecosystem services and functions and they act as the linkage between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems where key ecological and geomorphological processes occur. Riparian ecotones are highly prone to disturbance, and because of this reason are also vulnerable to invasion by invasive alien plants (IAPs), notably Acacia species.
Invasion by IAPs is considered one of the major threats to global change and biodiversity causing extensive ecological, economical, and social impacts. In south-western Cape, more than two thirds of the riparian environment is invaded to some extent, IAPs replacing the well adapted native species along river systems. In particular, impact of IAPs on soil respiration (Rs) may be relevant, with consequences for ecosystem function and services. Clearing of invaded riparian zones initiated by the Working for Water program has been a successful in eradicating alien plants within riparian areas even though recovery after alien clearing is lagging at many sites, and knowledge on repair of ecosystem function is lacking. Various studies have generated knowledge on carbon cycling and Rs in forests, savanna, grasslands, tundra and Mediterranean shrublands, but little is known about Rs in riparian zones, and even less about soil CO2 efflux in invaded riparian fynbos riparian ecotones.
The objective of this study was to contribute to a better understanding and quantifying the effect and impact of IAPs on carbon cycling between and across riparian ecotones with different invasion status: natural, invaded, and cleared. The study areas were located in the south-western Cape and measurements of Rs, soil temperature, soil moisture, root mass, litter mass, and soil properties were carried out in riparian soils of the mountain and transitional stream longitudinal river sections, and uplands fynbos areas of six different perennial river systems. In each site, four to five transects were laid out with one sampling site of each landscape position (wet bank, dry bank, and terrestrial areas) giving a total of 12 to 15 samples per site. Soil respiration measurements were taken over a period of two years, and were done seasonally. Results from this study showed that Rs was different among seasons with highest soil respiration rates in summer. Soil CO2 efflux increased in response to warm and dry conditions during summer, while seasonal soil CO2 efflux declined in autumn and winter in response to wet and cold soil conditions. The large increase in soil CO2 efflux response to warm and dry periods when temperature was 25 to 30 °C over all riparian sites and was highest in invaded sites compared to the natural and cleared sites. A significant difference was found between sites with different statuses with invaded sites leading seasonal Rs rates. Natural and cleared sites did not differ significantly in their CO2 efflux rates, suggesting that clearing of IAPs may put invaded ecosystems on a trajectory of restoration. There were also differences in terms of landscape positions; dry banks zones of the invaded sites had higher rates compared to wet banks and the uplands areas.
Our results further suggest that roots are the most important component of overall Rs rates, rather than microbial respiration. When we incubated soils minus roots, little difference was evident, either when viewing the results by invasion status or by landscape position, which suggest that inherent soil differences in terms of microbial respiration were not different. We also use a trenching approach to further investigate this, and though we found Rs to decline significantly, trends later suggest that decomposition of fine and course roots likely obscured the decline in overall Rs due to root respiration.
Overall, our results showed that clearing of invaded riparian zones will likely lead to successful restoration of soil functioning in terms of C cycling. Clearing of Acacia-invaded riparian ecotones will likely lead to a decline in root density, and which removes a major component of overall Rs. These results make the investigation of the C balance of invaded riparian ecotones and terrestrial areas critical in order to assess their contribution to regional C cycles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grondrespirasie (Rs) is 'n belangrike komponent van CO2 uitstroming en die globale koolstofbalans. Binne die konteks van globale verandering is dit van groot belang om die seisoenale patrone van Rs in fynbos oewer ekosisteme, veral in indringer-oewer ekotone, in die Meditereense tipe ekosisteme (MTE's) in die Wes- Kaap, Suid- Afrika te verstaan. Oewerekotone is drie-dimensioneel oorgangssones wat veelvuldige ekosisteem dienste en funksies verskaf. Hulle dien as die verbinding tussen terrestriële en water-ekosisteme waar kern ekologiese en geomorfologiese prosesse plaasvind. Oewerekotone is hoogs vatbaar vir versteuringe, en as gevolg van hierdie rede, is hul ook kwesbaar vir indringing deur indringer plante (IAPs), veral Acacia spesies.
Indringing deur IAPs word beskou as een van die groot bedreigings tot en met globale verandering en biodiversiteit, wat ekstensiewe ekologiese, ekonomiese, en sosiale impakte veroorsaak. In die suid- westelike Kaap word meer as twee derdes van die oeweromgewing tot 'n mate binnegedring. IAPs vervang die goed aangepaste inheemse spesies langs riviersisteme. Die impak van IAPs, spesifiek op grondrespirasie mag substansieël wees, met gevolge vir ekosisteem funksies en dienste. Opruiming van hierdie spesifieke oewer sones, geinisieer deur die Working for Water program, was suksesvol in die uitroeing van indringer plante binne oewer areas. Alhoewel herstel na indringer opruiming op baie terreine agter is, is kennis oor die herstel van ekosisteemfunksies gebrekkig. Verskeie studies het kennis ontwikkel oor koolstofsiklisering en Rs in woude, savanna, graslande, tundra en Meditereense struiklande, maar daar is minimale informasie oor oewersones,en nog minder oor grond CO2 uitstroming in indringer oewer fynbos en oewer ekotone.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n bydrae te lewer koolstofsiklisering beter te verstaan, en die impak van IAPs op koolstofsiklisering te kwantifiseer tussen en oor oewerekotone met verkillende indringer statusse: natuurlik, binnegedring en skoongemaak. Die studie areas was geleë in die suid- westelike Kaap, en maatstawe van Rs, grond temperature, grondvogtigheid, wortelmassa, plantafvalmassa, en grondeienskappe is uitgevoer in oewergrond van die berg en transisionele stroom longitudinale rivier seksies, asook terrestriële fynbos areas van ses verskillende standhoudende riviersisteme. In elke area is vier tot vyf transekte uitgelê met een monsternemingsarea van elke landskapsposisie (nat bank, droë bank en terrestriële areas) met 'n totaal van 12 tot 15 monsters per area. Grondrespirasie maatstawe is geneem oor 'n periode van twee jaar, en is seisoenaal uitgevoer.
Resultate van die studie het getoon dat Rs verkil het tussen seisoene, met die hoogste grondrespirasietempo in die somer. Grond CO2 uitstroming het toegeneem in reaksie op warm en droë kondisies gedurende somer, terwyl seisoenale grond CO2 uitstroming afgeneem het in herfs en winter in reaksie op nat en koue grond kondisies. Die grootste toename in grond CO2 uitstroming was in reaksie op warm en droë periodes wanneer temperature gewissel het tussen 25 tot 30˚C oor alle oewersones, en was die hoogste in binnegedringde sones, vergeleke met die natuurlike en skoongemaakte terreine. 'n Beduidende verskil is gevind tussen terreine met verskillende statusse in CO2 uitstromingskoerse‚ 'n aanduiding dat opruiming van IAPs binnegedringde ekosisteme op 'n trajek van restorasie plaas. Daar was ook verskille in terme van landskapsposisies; droë bank sones van die binnegedringde terreine het hoër tempos gehad, vergeleke met die nat bank en die hoogland areas.
Ons resultate dui verder aan dat wortels, eerder as mikrobiologiese respirasie, die mees belangrike komponente van Rs koerse uitmaak. Toe ons grond minus wortels inkubeer, is min verskille opgemerk, as gekyk word na die resultate deur indringer status of landskapsposisie, wat toon dit dat inherente grondveskille in terme van mikrobiologiese respirasie nie verskillend is nie. Ons het verder ook 'n sloot-benadering gebruik om verdere ondersoek hierop in te stel, en alhoewel ons bevind dat Rs aansienlik afgeneem het, dui neigings later aan dat afbraak van fyn en growwe wortels die afname in gehele Rs as gevolg van wortel respirasie waarskynlik verdoesel.
Ons resultate dui daarop dat opruiming van binngedringde oewers klaarblyklik sal lei tot suksesvolle restorasie van grondfunksionering in terme van C siklisering. Opruiming van Acacia- binnegedringde oewer ekotone sal vermoedelik lei tot 'n afname in worteldigtheid, en wat 'n belangrike komponent van die gehele Rs kan verwyder. Hierdie resultate maak die ondersoek van die C balans van binngedringde oewer ekotone en terrestriële areas krities, om sodoende hulle bydrae tot streeksgewyse C siklusse te asseseer.
Date03 1900
CreatorsKambaj Kambol, Oliver
ContributorsJacobs, Shayne M., Mantlana, Brian K., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Conservation Ecology and Entomology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxiv, 133 p. : ill., map.
RightsStellenbosch University

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