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High order discretisation by Residual Distribution schemes/ Discrétisation d'ordre élevée par des schémas de distribution de résidus

These thesis review some recent results on the construction
of very high order multidimensional upwind schemes for the
solution of steady and unsteady conservation laws on unstructured triangular grids.
We also consider the extension
to the approximation of solutions to conservation laws containing
second order dissipative terms. To build this high order schemes we use a sub-triangulation of the triangular Pk elements where we apply the distribution used for a P1 element.
This manuscript is divided in two parts. The first part is dedicated to the design of the high order schemes for scalar equations and focus more on the theoretical design of the schemes. The second part deals with the extension to system of equations, in particular we will compare the performances of 2nd, 3rd and 4th order schemes.
The first part is subdivided in four chapters:
The aim of the second chapter is to present the multidimensional upwind residual distributive schmes and to explain what was the status of their development at the beginning of this work.
The third chapter is dedicated to the first contribution: the design of 3rd and 4th order quasi non-oscillatory schemes.
The fourth chapter is composed of two parts:
We start by understanding the non-uniformity of the accuracy of the 2nd order schemes for advection-diffusion problem. To solve this issue we use a Finite Element hybridisation.
This deep study of the 2nd order scheme is used as a basis to design a 3rd order scheme for advection-diffusion.
Finally, in the fifth chapter we extend the high order quasi non-oscillatory schemes to unsteady problems.
In the second part, we extend the schemes of the first part to systems of equations as follows:
The sixth chapter deals with the extension to steady systems of hyperbolic equations. In particular, we discuss how to solve some issues such as boundary conditions and the discretisation of curved geometries.
Then, we look at the performance of 2nd and 3rd order schemes on viscous flow.
Finally, we test the space-time schemes on several test cases. In particular, we will test the monotonicity of the space-time non-oscillatory schemes and we apply residual distributive schemes to acoustic problems.
Date30 November 2009
CreatorsVilledieu, Nadège A C
ContributorsAbgrall Remi, Lacor, Chris, Coussement, Grégory, Migeot, Jean-Louis, Degrez, Gérard, Deconinck, Herman, Ricchiuto, Mario
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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