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Els llindars de lo públic. L'equipament bàsic per a les diferents escales urbanístiques a Catalunya i Alemanya

Public surrenders of land in Spain must receive strong legislative support due to the existence of an eminently private town planning initiative. Thus, the quantities of facilities, green spaces and areas for road use will be regulated in the different town planning laws of autonomous regions, this being a far cry from what could initially seem political will or decisions at the whim of the town councils.The aim was to study the surrenders of facilities in Catalonia within the framework of the other Autonomous Regions of Spain, the context required for the correct comprehension of the prevailing situation. Based on a hypothesis of common town planning parameters, the Town Planning Act of each Autonomous Region has been applied. The heterogeneity of surrenders between Autonomous Regions and the range of options for the provision of collective assets deriving from this endangers the Spanish public facility provision model in general. It is difficult to understand how under a minimum common denominator of power and a theoretically fair system of funding Autonomous Regions there is such a broad margin of regulation and results of surrender.Whilst the different town planning laws allow public land to be obtained through surrenders by private developers in favour of the local government, a second legislative package regulates the services to be provided in the facility plots previously obtained.The different municipal and local laws drafted by the Autonomous Regions within the framework of basic Spanish law require a series of services from the municipal government according to the population of the municipality.With laws of such diverse origin and mandate, it is inevitable that doubt will be cast over the obliged convergence. will sufficient land be obtained from town planning laws to accommodate the facilities deriving from the application of municipal laws? And further, is a state Act valid as a response to the broad Spanish municipal idiosyncrasy? With this, residential growth seems to be the most important way to obtain public land, what, then, should be the "minimum urban expression" to guarantee a sufficient contribution of surrendered land? All urban services or activities appear under a "minimum threshold", which at the same time defines the "minimum unit". A certain level of population is required for the existence of commerce, a service, etc.; the area moves up a rung when the population volume reaches the next threshold. Facilities also participate in this "jump process", as do all other urban activities. What should this minimum facility provision be?The most basic and universal services, which should be guaranteed for everyone, are education, healthcare and social services. In order to guarantee these as the most basic facilities, they must be appropriately legislated. As they are directly linked to the end user they can be standardized.On the contrary, it is not considered convenient to provide standards for all facilities, as many of them would correspond to a second type known as "circumstantial", more linked to the characteristics of the urban centre, which will lend them their purpose and meaning in terms of use. In Catalonia, "the label of use" for land allocated to facilities is proposed in the plan after consultation with the competent body of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. Thus, the municipalities receive insufficiently a percentage of the general state budgets, from which -among other expenses- they must fund the provision of minimum services that far exceed those stipulated in municipal law, and which when all is said and done are programmed and planned by government of the Autonomous Region. This chaos of power and funding makes difficult to apply the policies of the Autonomous Government. The different departments draft plans and programmes with contents and objectives taken basically from the experience of whoever writes them. A few departments are the exception to this. Different bodies in the European Union produce reference values for the areas of healthcare, education, sport and culture. The departments that have these use them either for programming or for evaluation purposes. By producing indicators in this way, the EU is demonstrating a growing concern for the quality of social infrastructures, allowing dissemination of levels of service provision.There can be no quality without controlling quantity. In the increasingly more homogenous European space, where member states exchange and share information, it has become necessary to establish some qualitative and quantitative minimums for the basic and universal provision of facilities, which should materialize in European standards of social infrastructures.
Date23 December 2008
CreatorsMarsal, Maria Lluïsa, 1974-
ContributorsFont Arellano, Antonio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori
PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Source SetsUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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