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Univerzalno pismo – modernistička utopija ili savremena komunikacijska potreba / Universal Type: Modernist Utopia or Current Communication Requirement

<p>Sa ciljem da se ponude odgovori u širem kontekstu disciplina, disertacija je segmentirana u dva dela. U prvom delu, tj. u poglavlju pod naslovom Stanje u oblasti istraživanja, hronološki se razmatra poimanje i atribuiranje univerzalnog u tipografskoj praksi modernizma i postmodernizma,i introspektivno analiziraju istorijska mišljenja i prakse, okolnosti i refleksije. Na osnovu konstatovanih suprotstavljenih mišljenja i do kraja ne određenih odgovora na ova pitanja, u drugom delu teze, konkretizovana su istraživačka pitanja i izdvojile hipoteze koje su testirane eksperimentalnim putem. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja dati su odgovori na istraživačka pitanja i potvrđene alternativne hipoteze.</p> / <p>Aiming to provide answers that will cover broader discipline context, this thesis is segmented in two parts. In the first part i.e. The State of the Research Field section, comprehension and attribution of the universal in the typographic practice of modernism and postmodernism has been chronologically examined, with additional<br />introspective analysis of historical thinking and practices, circumstances and reflection in order to find answers to questions synthesized in the title of thesis. Based on the presented opposed opinions, and questions that have not<br />been completely answered, in the second part, this thesis focuses on research question and hypothesis which have been empirically tested. Based on the results of the research the answers to the research questions have been provided, and the alternative hypotheses have been confirmed.</p>
Date06 May 2016
CreatorsNedeljković Uroš
ContributorsNovaković Dragoljub, Radivojević Radoš, Šiđanin Predrag, Možina Klementina, Kašiković Nemanja
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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