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Six-Month Follow-Up of a Primary Care Managed Weight Loss Program for Overweight and Obese African-American Women

Obesity is the number one public health concern in the United States, and is more prevalent in African-American women and those from lower socioeconomic groups. However, many primary care physicians do not feel confident in their ability to assist patients in weight management. Thus the challenge for physicians is to provide patients better assistance with weight management. The purpose of the study was to examine the efficacy of a primary care-managed weight loss program on weight reduction and cardiovascular fitness in overweight/obese women. Participants were randomized to intervention (n=54; Age: 44+12 yrs) or standard care (n=62; Age: 44=12yrs) and followed for 6 months. Intervention included monthly physician visits to address issues concerning diet, exercise, barriers, and motivation. Those in intervention experienced moderate weight loss after 6 months (Intervention: 216.89+48.38 to 208.86+42.11; Standard Care: 222.01+ 37.67 to 221.95+38.81, p=0.004). However, further analysis revealed the magnitude of weight loss appears to be dependent on the physician responsible for the delivery. Pearson correlation coefficients revealed the magnitude of weight loss was significantly associated with a change in waist circumference, 1-min heart rate recovery, and systolic blood pressure. In conclusion, this study reports a moderate weight loss following a physician directed program in overweight/obese women from lower socioeconomic groups. Independent of intervention moderate weight loss was associated with a reduction in other cardiovascular risk factors including BMI, heart rate recovery, blood pressure, and waist circumference.
Date24 January 2003
CreatorsMarsh, Lee A.
ContributorsMichael Welsch, Robert Wood, Arnold Nelson, Pamela Martin
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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