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Reliability of Wavelet Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during Rest and Exercise

The reliability of wavelet analysis (DWT), of heart rate variability during rest and exercise was examined for this study.
All twenty-three participants visited the lab on two separate occasions no less than four weeks apart. All twenty-three participants were subjected to the spontaneous breathing (SB1), and HG60 exercise condition. Of those twenty-three participants, nine performed the HG20 exercise condition as well.
It was found that during the SB1 condition, the R-R intervals were fairly reliable between days. However, the reliability of all the HRV parameters (SDNN, spectral components and wavelet components) were quite poor. Interestingly, however, during HG20, the reliability of the HRV parameters was much more promising.
The ability of DWT to detect changes in sympathovagal balance with incremental handgrip exercise was seen, despite a very low number of participants.
Date25 November 2002
CreatorsStone, Deborah Jean
ContributorsRobert Wood, Melinda Solmon, Arnold Nelson
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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