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小泉時代日中關係之研究 / A Study on Japan-China Relations in the Koizumi Era

冷戰結束以來,兩極體系的瓦解使得東亞地區發生權力變化,為爭奪區域領導權,各國無不摩拳擦掌,其中尤以日本與中國兩國的競爭最為白熱化,兩國關係的發展也因而受到注目。日中兩國關係在1990年代歷經了初期的友好、中期的惡化與末期的低潮之後,進入二十一世紀,兩國關係已然走到關鍵的十字路口。2001年4月小泉純一郎以改革形象,挾前所未見的高人氣入主首相官邸,一上任即面臨受歷史教科書、李登輝訪日以及農產品貿易糾紛而陷入緊張的日中關係,再加上小泉首相面臨的是近兩百年來未見的崛起的中國,如何處理日中關係成為其任內的一大考驗。更重要的是,日中這東亞兩大國的互動,是合作抑或競爭,是否能破除「一山不容二虎」的迷思,都將大大影響東亞地區的未來,對身處東亞地區且正好鄰近此兩大國的我國來說,亦將是非常值得觀察的發展。 / 本文一開始首先簡單介紹從冷戰結束後到小泉首相上任之前,日中關係的大致發展,作為背景說明,其次則闡明本論文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、文獻回顧以及論文架構安排。第二章則介紹小泉時期的日本外交政策,提出五組決策者信念體系與其實際決策間的關聯因素作為分析架構,首先介紹小泉首相是如何看待現今的國際與區域情勢,以及因此衍生出來小泉的對外政策特徵,與傳統日本對外政策有何異同。第三章介紹自2001年4月小泉首相上台後日中關係的發展情況,以時間發展先後為本章的撰寫主軸,將小泉首相在位期間所發生對日本外交政策與日中關係有重大影響的四項重大國際事件(2001年9月的911事件、2002年10月的第二次北韓核武危機、2003年3月的伊拉克戰爭以及2005年12月的東亞高峰會)作為分斷點,並介紹此四項重大國際事件對日本外交政策的影響,以及該項日本外交政策的改變對於日中關係的影響。第四章分析小泉時期影響日中關係變化的發展因素,將小泉時期影響日中關係發展的重要正面因素分為經貿投資、在區域及國際性問題的合作以及政府開發援助(Official Development Assistance, ODA)三項。第五章分析小泉時期影響日中關係變化的衝突因素,將小泉時期影響日中關係發展的重要負面因素分為歷史與民族主義、領土、台灣、安全以及經濟與能源等五項。最後為結論,綜合以上各章節,歸納出小泉時期整體日中關係的情況與小泉上台對日中關係的影響及其原因,並以此為基礎,嘗試推測在「小泉後」的新政府時期,日中關係可能的發展走勢與變化。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relations between two East Asian great powers, Japan and China, during Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro’s tenure. After the Cold War, the two powers have had encountered a period of changing relationship in the 1990s – from honeymoon to a series of quarrels. Under the situation of the power vacuum and power shift happened in the East Asian region, Japan and China have clashed fiercely in the process of competing for regional leadership. Now at the beginning of the 21th Century, Japan-China relations are at a crossroad, and here comes Koizumi who just got the power to lead Japan toward the new century. The atmosphere between Japan and China in the Koizumi era may have a great effect not only on the future of Japan-China relations but also on the future of the whole region, even the whole world. As a member of the East Asian region, there should be great interests for us in studying this theme, and getting to know how to deal with these two great powers on the basis of our own national interests. / The first part of this thesis composes research motives, purposes, scopes, limits, methods and literature review, and also provides the background of Japan-China relations in the 1990s. Chapter two focuses on Japan’s Foreign Policy under the Koizumi government, and analyzes the Prime Minister’s viewpoint on the nature of today’s international system and understands his foreign policy and China policy. Chapter three introduces the details between Japan and China interactions during the tenure of Koizumi. While Chapter four and five analyzes respectively the factors which foster or impede the development of Japan-China relations. In the last chapter, I reach the conclusion and find out the fundamental reason behind the deterioration of Japan-China relations in the Koizumi era, and then try further to predict the possible future development of Japan-China relations under the new Abe government.
Creators林思瑩, Lin, Shih-Ying
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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