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Marlboro-mannen då, influensers idag : En kvantitativ undersökning gällande 16–17 åringars exponering av nikotinsnus via Sociala Medier i Gävle stad

According to a survey conducted by Novus Group International 2020, 37% of youngpeople stated that appealing tastes were a reason to try nicotine pouches. In the samesurvey, a third also stated that a contributing factor to them choosing to test the productsis because they appear in film, television and social media. In a survey conducted byExpressen, a journalist interviewed three popular influencers regarding their associationwith the companies, but the journalist received no answers.We essay writers find the nicotine pouches misleading in their advertising, or at leastnot explicitly clear about the consequences. Nicotine pouches is sold as a complementto an active lifestyle. Although, warning messages about how nicotine is addictive areclarified, none of the other ten common health risks are mentioned, which include:increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, decreased appetite… etc. Of course, totaltransparency can not be expected, but information on health risks should be clarified.The most common is to just mention the addictive effect and neglect the others. Weessay writers therefore became concerned about whether minors aged 16–17 areexposed and interact with these advertisements on social media. As nicotine is anaddictive substance, we authors want to gain an insight into how well-informed youngpeople are about its consequences and how large the exposure to these advertisementslooks among the age group. The thesis intends to create a basis for future studies with alarger proportion of respondents in a wider age range.The exposure rate regarding nicotine pouch advertising via social media among the agegroup 16-17 years in Gävle was higher than we essay writers had previouslyanticipated. However, it should be added that this thesis intends to provide a basis for alarger survey with more respondents in the future and that the results may varydepending on which class in the age group the survey was conducted on. Suchconclusions based on whether one can see a connection in all 16-17 year olds in thetown of Gävle can not be established. What can be seen, however, is that there is amarketing strategy, at least among this study's target group, to expose minors toadvertising nicotine pouches via social media. 78.57% of all female respondents said tohave been exposed by one or several different advertisements, while among the malerespondents, 93.33% were exposed to one or severel different advertisements.
Date January 2022
CreatorsBrodin, Elin, Herrlin Viklund, William
PublisherHögskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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