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Možné způsoby narušení vodárenské soustavy a návrh opatření k zabránění jejího zneužití v Jihočeském kraji. / Possible ways to breach the water supply system a draft of the measures to prevent its abuse in South Bohemia.

The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the characteristics of water as the basic structural element of the life on the Earth. It also mentions regulations related to critical infrastructure, water protection and water management. It describes water management system of the Czech Republic and the South Bohemian Region. It similarly characterizes the most probable chemical, biological or radiological water contaminants that might be abused by a man in the case of trespassing into waterworks system objects. The aim of the thesis was to map possible threats to the waterworks system and to propose follow-up measures preventing the South Bohemian Waterworks System from abuse. Upon identification of possible threats in the territory of South Bohemia and from the point of view of the extent of the thesis the text then focuses on intentional threat of waterworks object by a man. The research part first deals with more detailed description of the South Bohemia Waterworks System, from drinking water via its pumping, treatment, storage to its supply to final consumers. The system of drinking water supply to inhabitants of South Bohemia is divided into sectors by means of AKIS method here. A questionnaire to employees working in the water management sphere was based on this division and particularly vulnerability and the level of security measures in the individual South Bohemian Waterworks System sectors was evaluated from the information based on their answers. In the second plan the research part of the thesis focuses on description of security elements used in South Bohemian Waterworks System objects accompanied by my own photo documentation of objects and areas administered by the South Bohemian Waterworks Union. The elements of passive and active protection used by the South Bohemian Waterworks Union are documented and described here. Application of two operation analysis methods relates to this part. Quantitative research of security of waterworks objects based on evaluation of the best secured object of the South Bohemian Waterworks System was first performed. The obtained results enable us to determine which of the South Bohemian Waterworks System premises has the best active and passive security against trespass of unauthorized persons. To assess relevancy of the quantitative security research the method of relative comparison of waterworks objects security and its consequent interpretation by the security index is also used. The security index describes object protection against possible trespass within the whole area of the object. Application of this method brings numeric interpretation and identification of the overall security of the South Bohemian Waterworks System with regard to preference of the monitored parameters. The same result is achieved by both the methods. The applied operation analysis methods have revealed that the heart of the South Bohemian Waterworks System, the Plav drinking water treatment plant, the only drinking water treatment plant of South Bohemia supplying majority of South Bohemia inhabitants with drinking water, is the best protected object. Pumping stations and water towers are further well secured objects. There are also completely unsecured object in the South Bohemian Waterworks System. The conclusion contains some measures that should prevent unauthorized persons from trespassing into all waterworks objects and thus protect drinking water against contamination. As the observation has revealed the protection of waterworks objects should be improved with regard to the worsening safety situation in the world. This also involves the costs the South Bohemian Waterworks Union should invest in security to introduce the most up-to-date security elements into practice. We may conclude that the major part of waterworks objects are secured against abuse both passively and actively.
Date January 2014
CreatorsSOUKUPOVÁ, Eva
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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