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Exprese enzymů kynureninové a methoxyindolové dráhy v epifýze, játrech a srdci potkana v cirkadiánním profilu a po aplikaci lipopolysacharidu / Expression of enzymes of kynurenine and methoxyindole pathway in the rat pineal gland, liver and heart in circadian profile and after lipopolysacharide administration

Tryptophanis anaminoacidwhichhasmanyfunctionsinthebody. Besidesitsparticipationin theproductionofproteins,itactsasasubstrateforthekynurenineandmethoxyindolemetabolic pathways. The kynurenine pathway ends with the production of nikotinamid e adenin dinukleotide ( NAD + ) ,whichisneededfortheproductionofcellularenergy. Thus,withincreased energy demand during immune system activation, the activity of the kynurenine pathway is increased. Dueto increasedactivity,itproduces more immunoactiveandneuroactivemetab olites suchaskynurenicacidandquinolinicacid.Thesemetabolitesareinvolvedinmanyprocessesin the body and affect the pathology of many diseases. Studies show that regulation of these metabolites could be a key innovation in the treatment of cance r, cardiovascular or neurodegenerative diseases. The methoxyindole pathway is another important tryptophan processingpathway.Itsbest - knownmetabolitesareserotonin,whichactsasaneurotransmitter, andmelatonin,ahormonewithimmunomodulatoryeffect sregulatedby thecircadianclock . This workdeals with thecircadian rhythmicityofenzymeexpressionofthesetwo metabolic pathways.Italsodescribestheeffectofsystemicadministrationoflipopolysaccharideendotoxin ontheexpressionofgenesoft heseenzymes.OurexperimentsusedWistarratsat30daysofage. The lipopolysaccharide was administered...
Date January 2021
CreatorsHrubcová, Leona
ContributorsBendová, Zdeňka, Svobodová, Irena
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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