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Bounded model checking for asynchronous concurrent systems

Complex hardware systems become more and more ubiquitous in mission critical applications such as military, satellite, and medical to name but a few. In such applications, reliability remains a primary concern because a failure that occurs during their normal operations might produce important catastrophes like loss of life or loss of money.
All these failures are often caused by minuscule bug that exists inside the software which controls the systems, or within the hardware itself. In addition, most of these systems cannot be interrupted while working, even for a few seconds a year, making it difficult to repair bugs found during their normal operations.
The main purpose of this work is to build efficient verification techniques for asynchronous concurrent systems. Because of the pivotal roles these systems assume in a given application, designers of such systems must keep development and maintenance costs under control and meet nonfunctional constraints on the design of the system, such as cost, power, weight, or the system architecture by itself. But most importantly, they must assure their customer as well as the certification authorities that both the design and its implementation are correct. Otherwise, they may end up shipping unsafe systems to the market, and the consequences of this action would be catastrophic. To achieve this goal, designers need efficient methods and tools to assist them in verifying the correctness of the design.
In this thesis we focus on a symbolic model checking technique called bounded model checking (BMC). BMC is a method targeted mainly at finding bugs in a system. It answers the questions whether there exists a counterexample, shorter than a given length, that violates a given property. During a BMC operation each execution path is encoded into Boolean formula, and the problem is reduced to satisfiability checking of the formula. Therefore, the operation consists mainly in constructing a Boolean formula that is satisfiable if and only if such a counterexample exists.
We model our systems with transition systems (TSs). In particular, we are mainly interested in synchronized product of TSs. Since concurrent systems are formed by a combination of several components communicating between each other, synchronized product of TSs is well-suited to capture the behavior of such systems. The executions of concurrent systems are commonly modeled using the so-called interleaving execution, which allows only one single event to fire at each step. However, due to the complexity of such systems inteleaving method will not only require many steps but also generate long formulas. In this work, we adopt another approach based on breadth-first search (BFS). In a BMC operation, the translation of the model into a Boolean formula is polynomial in the size of the model, but the solving time of the Boolean formula can be exponential in the size of the formula. Therefore, our research hypothesis is that we can improve the efficiency of BMC by generating succinct formula, and by minimizing the number of necessary steps during an execution.
We introduce several BMC techniques aimed at improving the efficiency of BMC for asynchronous concurrent systems. The techniques are grouped in two main parts (i) techniques for checking reachability properties and (ii) techniques for checking properties written in linear temporal logic (LTL). In addition, we also propose some methods for minimizing the number of execution steps or bound.
We implemented all these methods in a BMC toolset. At the end of the dissertation, we will discuss the experimental results we obtained.
Date04 March 2014
CreatorsRakotoarisoa, Manitra Johanesa
ContributorsPastor Llorens, Enric, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors
PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Source SetsUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format172 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Rightsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, L'accés als continguts d'aquesta tesi queda condicionat a l'acceptació de les condicions d'ús establertes per la següent llicència Creative Commons:

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