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The effects of goat browsing on ecosystem patterns and processes in succulent thicket, South Africa

Transformation in the arid succulent thicket of the Eastern Cape of South Africa in response to unsustainable livestock production has been widespread, with less than 10 percent remaining intact. Transformation in succulent thicket has resulted in large areas of dense thicket (comprising a two-phase mosaic of perennial-vegetated patches separated by animal paths and bare patches) being replaced with a ‘pseudo-savanna’ of remnant canopy trees with a structurally simple field layer of ephemeral and short- lived perennial grasses and forbs. There is an extensive literature describing the transformation of succulent thicket, with many speculative statements about the underlying mechanisms of transformation. The central focus of this study was to improve our mechanistic understanding of transformation in succulent thicket using field experiments. Hopefully these results will set another foundation upon which future management of succulent thicket can be improved and large-scale restoration initiated. This study comprises four themes that are linked to the concept of landscape function. The central premise of landscape function is that functional landscapes have mechanisms that capture and retain scarce resources. Conversely, as landscapes become increasingly dysfunctional, so these mechanisms become disrupted. In succulent thicket, dysfunctio n appears to be linked to the reduced ability to harvest water, cycle carbon and a loss of organic carbon. In this thesis I examined some of the key processes that influence water and organic carbon fluxes: perennial vegetation cover, soil fertility, litter fall and decomposition, and runoff and soil erosion. The experimental design that was used for all this work was a factorial ANOVA based on replicated fenceline contrasts that reflect differences in long-term management history. The main objectives of this thesis were to: quantify the patterns of transformation in an arid form of succulent thicket, including changes in the biomass, cover and structure of the dominant vegetation guilds; test the stability of the transformed succulent thicket ecosystem to show whether it is a new stable state or an intermediate stage in a trajectory towards a highly desertified state where only the ephemeral grasses and forbs persist; describe and compare soil fertility across transformation contrasts, concentrating on changes in the spatial patterns of soil resources and the ability of the soil to harvest precipitation; to compare litter fall and decomposition of leaf material from the dominant plants in intact and transformed succulent thicket; to quantify and compare run-off and erosion from run-off plots in intact and transformed succulent thicket. Transformation and stability I quantified the changes in plant diversity, physiognomy and biomass that occur across transformation contrasts. Thicket transformation results in a significant loss of plant diversity and functional types. There is also a significant reduction in the biomass (c. 80 t.ha-1) and structural complexity of the vegetation, both vertically and horizontally. These results were interpreted in terms of their implications for ecosystem functioning and stability. To test the stability of the transformed succulent thicket I used aerial photographs and ground-truthing to track the survivorship of canopy trees over 60 years in pseudo-savanna landscapes. I also measured seedling establishment in different habitats. I show that the pseudo-savanna is not a stable state owing to ongoing adult mortality and no recruitment of canopy trees. Soil fertility and water status I hypothesised that the above-ground changes in ve getation would be accompanied by similar trends in the pattern and levels of soil nutrient resources and the ability of the landscape to harvest precipitation. I compared soil fertility (organic carbon, available nitrogen and phosphorus), texture, matric potential, and surface micro-topography in the two main micro- habitats on either side of the replicated fenceline contrasts. The results show that intact spekboom thicket has a distinct spatial pattern of soil fertility where nutrients and organic carbon are concentrated under the patches of perennial shrubs, compared to under canopy trees and open spaces. Transformation results in a significant homogenisation out of this pattern and an overall reduction in the fertility of the landscape. The proportion of the landscape surface that would promote infiltration of water decreases from 60 – 0.6 percent. Soil moisture retention (matric potential) also decreases with transformation. I interpreted these patterns in terms of the ability of the landscape to harvest and release water after rainfall events. Litter fall and decomposition Surface litter and soil organic matter are critical components to wooded ecosystems; contributing to several ecosystem functions. The rates of litter fall and decomposition are ratelimiting steps in nutrient cycling and incorporation of organic matter into the soil. The ecological mechanisms behind the collapse of succulent thicket in the face of domestic herbivory are not fully understood, but are believed to include the breakdown of several ecosystem processes, including litter fall and decomposition. I quantified the changes in litter fall and litter decomposition of four of the dominant perennial woody plants (Euclea undulata, Pappea capensis, Portulacaria afra and Rhus longispina) across the replicated fenceline. Litter fall was measured over 14 months using mesh traps. Decomposition was measured over 15 months using a combination of litterbags and unprotected leaf packs. I also quantified soil microclimate during the experimental period; hypothesising that transformation would lead to soil conditions less amenable for biotic activity. Litter fall in succulent thicket was very high for a semi-arid system, comparing more to temperate forests. The leaf-succulent P. afra contributed the largest single component of the total litter production at a landscape scale. The effect of transformation on litter fall was species specific. Deep-rooted or drought-adapted species showed no change in litter yield with transformation; shallow-rooted species showed a significant decrease. There were few significant differences in decomposition rates across the transformation gradient and between litter types. Portulacaria afra litter had the steepest rate of mass loss, and was most affected by transformation. The more recalcitrant (high C:N ratio) leaves of P. capensis remained largely unaffected by transformation. These results indicate the critical role of the perennial vegetation in incorporating organic carbon into the soil. Transformation of succulent thicket leads to a disruption of the flow of carbon into the soil, reinforcing the cycle of transformation through reduced fertility. Rehabilitation of this ecosystem will require the active establishment of species, such as P. afra, that will restart the flow of carbon into the soil. Run-off & Erosion The landscape function model predicts that functional semi-arid shrublands efficiently conserve limiting resources such as water and water-bourn sediments (soil and organic matter). As these rangelands become transformed through unsustainable livestock production, so their ability to conserve resources decreases. The primary determinant of landscape function and conservation of resources appears to be the proportional cover of perennial vegetation. I hypothesised that the switch from a two-phase mosaic dominated by perennial succulent and woody shrubs to a single phase system dominated by an ephemeral field layer would be accompanied by disruption of the mechanisms that conserve resources. Specifically, I tested the hypothesis that transformation of succulent thicket increases runoff volume, sediment concentration of runoff, soil erosion and loss of organic matter at a patch scale (c. 100 m2). Runoff and water-borne sediment were measured from runoff plots established across replicated fenceline contrasts. Data were collected from eight extreme weather events over two years. There were no significant differences between runoff and erosion across the transformation contrast, as each extreme weather event was unique in terms of its runoff response. The transformed runoff plots alone also gave inconsistent results, largely due to differences in the cover of ephemeral forbs and weakly perennial grasses. Runoff and erosion were not predictable from the data across the transformation gradient due to complex interactions between the nature of the above-ground vegetation, soil micro-topography and land use history. The results highlighted the need for longer-term catchment experiments to generate a predictive understanding of the effect of transformation on runoff and erosion in succulent thicket.
Date January 2003
CreatorsLechmere-Oertel, Richard Geoffrey
PublisherUniversity of Port Elizabeth, Faculty of Science
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Doctoral, PhD
Formatix, 108 leaves, pdf
RightsNelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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