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Die rol van maatskaplike werkers in bedryfsorganisasies ten opsigte van leierskapsontwikkeling by grondvlakwerknemers

Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An explorative study of the Social Worker's role and responsibilities to develop the
leadership potential of grassrootslevel employees in industrial organisations was
undertaken. This subject was chosen with requirements in mind, which are necessary for
the transformation process to be presented to industrial organisations for the
implementation of affirmative action. A comprehensive literature study revealed that
social workers can make a positive and essential contribution to organisations, either as
an industrial social worker, or an affirmative action specialist, or as a member of the
human resources development team. A discussion of the necessary leadership qualities,
the implementation of affirmative action, and useful resources that may be used for
development programs, is included. The literature study was followed by an empirical
The empirical study was made with the assistance of questionnaires. The questionnaires
were used to collect data on the perceived role of social work in the industrial
organisation. Organisations that do utilise social work services were approached for
permission and co-operation to complete the questionnaires. Seventeen respondents from
fifteen organisations were selected in a random process, for inclusion in the study.
The research indicated that social workers have different roles to play in vanous
organisations, and with the values, knowledge base and competencies that are brought to
the organisation, have a responsibility to ensure that affirmative action and labour
equality is brought to fruition. With regard to the implementation of leadership
development programs in industrial organisations, it was noted that grassroots level
employees were seldom included in the programs, although the majority of social
workers believe that all employees should participate in the programs.
A summary of the skills and knowledge base required by the industrial social worker to
deliver an effective service in the organisation, and to manage the development and
training of employees, is included. Some skills that require further development by social workers were identified. It was also found that individuals hold different
perceptions and definitions of affirmative action and it's implementation in organisations.
The recommendations are, inter alia, that all leadership development programs must be
continuously monitored, evaluated and subsequently followed up to assess their
applicability and effectiveness. The training of industrial social workers must focus more
on the development of negotiating and training skills and stimulation of assertive actions.
A larger variety of resources, such as video recordings, role playing, dramatisation,
interactive computer programs and small group discussions, can be used in addition, for
the training and development of grassroots level employees.
Should these recommendations be implemented, industrial social workers can make a
significant contribution to the development and improvement of South Africa's
economic, political and social situation by extending the potential of the grassroots level
employees, who constitute the greatest portion of the total labour force. A group of
people can thus be empowered to function optimally and to respond to the guidelines of
the White Paper for Social Welfare 1997. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Verkennende studie oor maatskaplike werkers se rol en verantwoordelikheid om die
leierskapspotensiaal van grondvlakwerknemers in bedryfsorganisasies te ontwikkel, is
onderneem. Die onderwerp is gekies met die oog op die vereistes wat die proses van
transformasie aan bedryfsorganisasies stel om regstellende aksie doeltreffend te
implementeer. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie het aan die lig gebring dat maatskaplike
werkers 'n positiewe en onmisbare bydrae het om aan bedryfsorganisasies te lewer, hetsy
as bedryfsmaatskaplike werker, as regstellende aksie spesialis of as deel van die menslike
hulpbronontwikkelingspan. 'n Bespreking van noodsaaklike leierskapskwaliteite, die
implementering van regstellende aksie en hulpmiddels wat vir ontwikkelingsprogramme
benut kan word is ook ingesluit. Die literatuurstudie is opgevolg deur 'n empiriese studie.
Die empiriese ondersoek is aan die hand van vraelyste uitgevoer. Die vraelyste is benut
om data oor die rol van maatskaplike werk in bedryfsorganisasies te bekom.
Bedryfsorganisasies wat wel van maatskaplike werkdienslewering gebruik maak, is
genader en toestemming en samewerking is verkry. Deur middel van 'n nie waarskynlikheidseleksiemetode
is sewentien respondente binne vyftien organisasies in
die Kaapse Metropool geselekteer om aan die ondersoek deel te neem.
Die navorsing het aangedui dat maatskaplike werkers verskillende rolle in
bedryfsorganisasies vertolk, en met die waardes, vaardighede en kennisbasis wat na die
organisasie gebring word, 'n verantwoordelikheid het om toe te sien dat regstellende
aksie en arbeidsgelykheid in organisasieverband tot volle reg kom. Met betrekking tot die
implementering van leierskapsontwikkelingsprogramme in organisasies, het dit aan die
lig gekom dat grondvlakwerknemers selde ingesluit word by die programme, alhoewel
die meerderheid bedryfsmaatskaplike werkers van mening is dat alle werknemers aan die
betrokke programme kan deelneem. 'n Uiteensetting van die vaardighede en kennisbasis wat die maatskaplike werker benodig
ten einde effektiewe diens binne 'n bedryfsorganisasie te lewer, asook om die
ontwikkeling en opleiding van werknemers te behartig, is voorsien. Enkele vaardighede
wat verdere ontwikkeling by bedryfsmaatskaplike werkers verg, is identifiseer. Daar is
ook bevind dat individue verskillende definisies en persepsies het met betrekking tot
regstellende aksie en die implementering daarvan in bedryfsorganisasies.
Die aanbevelings sluit in dat alle leierskapsontwikkelingsprogramme deurlopend, sowel
as na afloop daarvan evalueer en ook opgevolg moet word ten einde die toepaslikheid en
effektiwiteit daarvan te monitor. Die opleiding van bedryfsmaatskaplike werkers moet
meer fokus op die ontwikkeling van onderhandelings- en opleidingsvaardighede, en ook
assertiewe gedrag stimuleer. 'n Groter verskeidenheid hulpbronne kan in kombinasie vir
die opleiding en ontwikkeling van grondvlakwerknemers gebruik word, soos videoopnames,
rollespel, drama, interaktiewe rekenaarpakette asook kleingroepbesprekings.
lndien hierdie aanbevelings geïmplementeer word, kan bedryfsmaatskaplike werkers 'n
prominente bydrae tot die ontwikkeling en vooruitgang van Suid-Afrika se ekonomiese,
politieke en sosiale situasie lewer, deur grondvlakwerknemers, wat 'n groot deel van die
totale arbeidsmag uitmaak, se potensiaal te ontgin. Sodoende word 'n geïdentifiseerde
groep persone bemagtig om optimaal te funskioneer en word daar terselfdertyd aan die
riglyne soos deur die Witskrif vir Maatskaplike Welsyn 1997 bepaal, beantwoord.
Date12 1900
CreatorsKotze, Maria Johanna
ContributorsCronje, J. I., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format98 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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