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Compact Air Separation System for Space launcher/ Système de séparation d'air compact pour lanceur spatial

A compact air separator demonstrator based on centrifugally enhanced distillation has been studied. The full size device is meant to be used on board of a Two Stage To Orbit vehicle launcher. The air separation system must be able to extract oxygen in highly concentrated liquid form (LEA, Liquid Enriched Air) from atmospheric air. The LEA is stored before being used in a subsequent rocket propulsion phase by the second stage of the launcher. Two reference vehicles are defined, one with a subsonic first stage and one with a supersonic first stage. In both cases, oxygen collection is performed during a cruise phase (M 0.7 and M 2.5 respectively). The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of the air separation system, investigate the separation cycle design, and assess that the separator design selected is suitable for the reference vehicles.
The project is described from original base ideas to design, construction, extended testing and analysis of experimental results. Preliminary computations for a realistic layout have been performed and the motivations for the choices made during the process are explained. Test rig design, separator design and technical discussion are provided for a subscale pilot unit. Mass transport parameters and flooding limits have been estimated and experimentally measured. Performance has been assessed and shown to be sufficient for the reference Two Stage To Orbit vehicles. The technology developed is found suitable without further optimization, although some volume and mass reduction would be desirable for the supersonic first stage concept. There are many ways of optimisation that can be further investigated. The aim of this program, however, is not to fully optimize the device, but to demonstrate that a device based on a simple, robust, low-risk design is already suitable for the launch vehicles. On top of that analysis, directions for improvements are suggested and their potentials estimated. A complete assessment of those improvements requires further maturation of the technological concept through further testing and practical implementations.
Directions for future work, general conclusions and a vehicle development roadmap have also been provided.
Date01 September 2008
CreatorsBizzarri, Didier L.G.
ContributorsNgendakumana, Philippe, Buchlin, Jean-Marie, Degrez, Gérard, Heyen, Georges, Hendrick, Patrick, Bruno, Claudio
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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