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Територијалне претензије социјалистичке Југославије (1943-1955): пројекти, захтеви, импликације и решења / Teritorijalne pretenzije socijalističke Jugoslavije (1943-1955): projekti, zahtevi, implikacije i rešenja / Territorial pretensions of socialist Yugoslavia(1943-1945): projects, demands, implications,and decisions

<p>Posle kapitulacije Italije organi vlasti<br />NOP-a na području Istre i Slovenačkog<br />primorja donose odluke o prisajedinjenju tih<br />područja Hrvatskoj, odnosno Sloveniji. Njihove<br />odluke 30. novembra sankcionisane su na<br />Drugom zasedanju Avnoja u Jajcu. Tim aktima<br />socijalistička Jugoslavija započinje borbu za<br />definisanje severozapadnih granica države.<br />Temelj za revandikacije postavljen je četvrt<br />veka ranija tokom stvaranja zajednice Južnih<br />Slovena u mirovnom procesu posle Prvog<br />svetskog rata. Kako sa aspekta Jugoslavije to<br />pitanje nije u tom periodu re&scaron;eno na<br />zadovaljavajući način, definisanje<br />jugoslovenskih granica posle Drugog svetskog<br />rata moglo bi se smatrati za nasleđen problem..<br />Smernice za postavljanje teritorijalnih<br />zahteva prema severnim susedima definisane su<br />tokom mirovnog procesa u Versaju, ali i kroz<br />proglase KPJ u međuratnom periodu o<br />re&scaron;avanju nacionalnog pitanja u Jugoslaviji i<br />okruženju. Institucionalno NOP, kasnije FNRJ<br />ovo pitanje defini&scaron;u kroz delatnost slovenačkog<br />Znanstvenog instituta, Jadranskog instituta u<br />Su&scaron;aku i kroz rad federalne Komisije za<br />razgraničenje i njenih republičkih komisija. Na<br />terenu ovo pitanje poku&scaron;ava da se re&scaron;i kroz<br />nametanje oružanom silom. Posle neuspeha<br />politike svr&scaron;enog čina započinje dugotrajna<br />politička i diplomatska borba koja povremeno<br />preti oružanom eskalacijom. Diplomatska borba<br />se vodi u složenim uslovima ideolo&scaron;ke<br />konfrontacije Jugoslavije, prvo sa Zapadom, a<br />posle 1948. i sa Istokom. Ovaj proces se<br />okončava tek 1954.(sa Italijom) i 1955. godine<br />(sa Austrijom) posle vi&scaron;e rundi bilateralnih i<br />multilaterelanih pregovora Jugoslavije, susednih<br />država i velikih sila. Diplomatska inicijativa<br />prema Mađarskoj okončana je u toku trajanja<br />Pariske mirovne konferencije (1946), bez<br />teritorijalnih izmena.<br />Moglo bi se reći daje ovaj proces<br />zavr&scaron;en relativnim uspehom Jugoslavije, iako su<br />glavni zahtevi jugoslovenske strane u pogledu<br />Italije odbijeni delimično, a u pogledu Austrije<br />u potpunosti. Finalizacija graničnog pitanja bila<br />je uvod u zauzimanje specifične pozicije<br />Jugoslavije na međunarodnoj političkoj sceni,<br />odnosno u kreiranju Pokreta nesvrstanih<br />zemalja.</p> / <p>After the Italian surrender, local authorities<br />of Yugoslav National Liberation Movement<br />made decisions about the incorporation of Istria<br />and Slovene Littoral into Croatia and Slovenia.<br />Their decisions were sanctioned on the Second<br />Session of AVNOJ on November 30, 1943.<br />These acts marked the beginning of the fight of<br />socialist Yugoslavia for defining its<br />northwestern borders. The basis for border<br />revendication was set a quarter century earlier,<br />during the creation of the South Slavic union in<br />the peace process after WWI. Because that issue<br />was not resolved satisfactorily for Yugoslavia<br />over that period, the definition of the post-<br />WWII Yugoslav borders could be regarded as<br />an inherited problem.<br />Guidelines for setting up territorial claims<br />to northern neighboring countries were defined<br />during the peace process in Versailles, and also<br />through proclamations of the Communist Party<br />of Yugoslavia (CPY) in the interwar period<br />dealing with the solution to the national<br />question in Yugoslavia and the neighboring<br />countries. The National Liberation Movement<br />(NLM), and later the Federal People&rsquo;s Republic<br />of Yugoslavia (FPRY), defined this problem<br />institutionally through the activities of the<br />slovenian Scientific Institute (Znanstveni in&scaron;titut), Adriatic Institute in Su&scaron;ak (Jadranski</p><p>institut), as well as through the work of the<br />Federal Delimitation Commission and its<br />commissions in the member republics of the<br />federation. In the field, Yugoslavia tried to<br />impose the solution for this problem by force of<br />arms. After the failure of the fait accompli<br />policy, a long-term political and diplomatic<br />struggle began, occasionally threatening to<br />escalate to an armed conflict. Diplomatic<br />struggle was conducted in a complex situation<br />of ideological confrontations of Yugoslavia,<br />first with the West, and then with the East after<br />1948. This process ended only in 1954 (with<br />Italy) and in 1955 (with Austria), after multiple<br />bilateral and multilateral negotiations between<br />Yugoslavia, its neighbors and the Great Powers.<br />Diplomatic initiative towards Hungary was<br />concluded during the Paris Peace Conference<br />(1946) without territorial changes.<br />Although main Yugoslav claims were<br />rejected partially (to Italy) or totally (to<br />Austria), it can be concluded that this process<br />was completed relatively successfully for<br />Yugoslavia. The finalization of the border<br />dispute was a prelude to a specific positioning<br />of Yugoslavia on the global diplomatic scene,<br />and to the creation of the Non-Allied<br />Movement.</p>
Date25 August 2016
CreatorsPopović Branislav
ContributorsKovačević Duško M., Šimunović-Bešlin Biljana, Antolović Mihael, Gulić Milan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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