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<strong>Relativistic Magnetospheres: Dynamics And Emission Properties</strong>

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<p>This article-based dissertation provides a review of the broad subject of Neutron Star- their emission properties, plasmoids ejection events, and their proposed physical mechanisms. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to provide an extensive description of the research projects I undertook during my tenure as a Graduate Research Assistant, under the guidance of my advisor Prof. Maxim Lyutikov. </p>
<p>Chapter 1 provides a broad overview of the Neutron stars, their classification, proposed emission models, and a summary of magnetars and associated observed phenomena. </p>
<p>In Chapter 2, I present a version of the research article published in the <em>Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society</em>. The work is titled "Rotating Neutron Stars Without Light Cylinders" and discusses twisted and differentially rotating neutron star magnetospheres that do not have a light cylinder, generate no wind, and thus do not spin down. The magnetosphere of such neutron stars is composed of embedded differentially rotating flux surfaces, with the angular velocity decreasing as Ω ∼ 1/r. It was found, both analytically and using numerical simulations, that for spin parameters larger than some critical value, the light cylinder appears, the magnetosphere opens up, and the wind is generated. </p>
<p>In Chapter 3, I present a version of the research article published in <em>The Astrophysical Journal</em>. The work is titled "Relativistic Magnetic Explosions" and was undertaken under the supervision of Dr. Maxim Barkov, in collaboration with Dr. Konstantinos N. Gourgou- liatos and Dr. Lyutikov2 Barkov. It discusses the dynamics of magnetically driven explosive astrophysical events, like magnetar bursts and flares. We model a relativistic expansion of highly magnetized and highly magnetically over-pressurized clouds. We observe that the corresponding dynamics are qualitatively different from fluid explosions due to the topological constraint of the conservation of the magnetic flux. Using analytical, relativistic MHD as well as force-free calculations, we find that the creation of a relativistically expanding, causally disconnected flow obeys a threshold condition: it requires sufficiently high initial over-pressure and sufficiently quick decrease of the pressure in the external medium (the pre-explosion wind). In the subcritical case, the magnetic cloud just puffs up" and quietly expands with the pre-flare wind. We also find a compact analytical solution to the Prendergast problem - the expansion of force-free plasma into the vacuum. </p>
<p>Chapter 4 is the extension of the work in Chapter 3 and focuses on the dynamics of relativistic Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), from launching by shearing of foot-points (either slowly or suddenly), to propagation in the preceding magnetar wind. The work has been accepted to be published in <em>Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society</em>. For slow shear, we find that most of the energy injected into the CME is first spent on the work done on breaking through the over-laying magnetic field. At later stages, sufficiently powerful CMEs may lead to the detonation of a CME and opening of the magnetosphere beyond some equipartition radius req, where the decreasing energy of the CME becomes larger than the decreasing external magnetospheric energy. Post-CME magnetosphere relaxes via the formation of a plasmoid-mediated current sheet, initially at req, and slowly reaching the light cylinder. Both the location of the foot-point shear and the global magnetospheric configuration affect the frequent/weak versus rare/powerful CME dichotomy - to produce powerful flares the slow shear should be limited to field lines that close in near the star.  After the creation of a topologically disconnected flux tube, the tube quickly (at ∼ the light cylinder) comes into force-balance with the preceding wind and is passively advected/frozen in the wind afterward. </p>
<p>For fast shear case, the shearing of foot-points leads to the generation of Alfvén wave and the pressure of such Alfvén leads to the opening of the magnetosphere. At distances much larger than the light cylinder, the resulting shear Alfvén waves propagate through the wind non-dissipatively. </p>
<p>In Chapter 5, I switch gears and study the optical polarization of Crab pulsar. I start by deriving a general relation for the polarization direction of the electric dipole-type radiation produced by a particle moving in an arbitrary electromagnetic field. The derived relations are then applied to reproduce optical polarization swings in Crab pulsar assuming a Michel- Bogovalov solution for the current sheet. With this, I was able to reproduce down to intricate details the spin-phase trajectory of the position angle (PA) in the Stokes parameters U-Q plane. This chapter however remains a work in progress. We still don't fully understand the physical mechanism behind the polarization characteristics of the Crab, especially the origin of the point where the inner loop connects with the bigger outer loop. I plan to fully answer these questions before sending our findings for publication. </p>
<p>Chapter 6 summarizes the main results and conclusions of the research projects and mentions the prospects. References are compiled after the appendices so that they are first cited, followed by a CV and a list of publications. </p>

  1. 10.25394/pgs.23657730.v1
Date14 July 2023
CreatorsPraveen Sharma (16326144)
Source SetsPurdue University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeText, Thesis
RightsCC BY 4.0

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