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On the non equilibrium thermodynamics and dynamics of a deformable interface between two electro-magnetically controllable fluids

This thesis is devoted to the study of a deformable material interface between two immiscible moving
media, both of them being magnetizable. The first part concerns the establishment of a complete set of dynamical equations allowing a complete description of the non equilibrium phenomena including a coupling between the internal angular momentum and the electromagnetic field. The effects of the relaxation processes are also discussed. We show that the deformation of the interface introduces a nonlinear term, proportional to the mean curvature, in
the surface dynamical equations of mass momentum and angular momentum. That term
intervenes also in the singular magnetic and electric fields inside the interface which lead to
the influence of currents and charge densities at the interface. In a second part, we give the expression
for the entropy production inside the interface as well as in the bulk phase. Using the general principles of non equilibrium thermodynamics, we compute the different thermodynamical fluxes.
Date10 November 2010
CreatorsVanhaelen, Quentin
ContributorsCarati Daniele, Lapenta Giovanni, Hennenberg Marcel, Siess Lionel, Weyssow Boris, Brénig Léon
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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