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Rôle des cellules myéloïdes immatures GR1+CD11b+ dans le rejet du mastocytome P815/Role of GR1+CD11b+ myeloid immature cells on P815 mastocytoma rejection

The failure of the immune system to provide efficient protection against tumour cells has been considered as a major issue in immunology. It is now well established that inadequate function of the host immune system is one of the main mechanisms by which tumours escape from immune control contributing to the limited success of cancer immunotherapy. Several cell populations have been described which display immunosuppressive properties and may impede tumor-specific immunity. Among them, GR1+CD11b+ immature myeloid suppressor cells and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells seem to play an important role. These cells accumulate in the spleens of tumour bearing mice and patients with cancer and contribute to immunosuppression by inhibiting the function of CD8+ T cells and/or by promoting tumour angiogenesis.
The aim of our work was to define the mechanisms by which a single dose of cyclophosphamide (CTX), a chemical agent commonly used in chemotherapy treatment, induces the rejection of established P815 mastocytoma.
Our data show that CTX treatment leads to the selective loss of GR1medCD11b+ splenic myeloid cell producing TGF-â, a cytokine which is known to suppress antitumoral response. Furthermore, injection of CTX causes a decrease in the number of naturally occurring regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+) in the spleen and the tumor. Finally, CTX treatment induces the differentiation of GR1highCD11b+ splenic myeloid cells into mature GR1highCD11b+CD11c+ (possibly dendritic cells?) which express high levels of CD11c, MHC class II and CD86 molecules. Of note, these cells are mainly detected in tumour necrosis areas.
Collectively, these results suggest that CTX prevents suppressive mechanisms and induces a population of CD11c+ myeloid cells which may present tumor antigens and activate T lymphocytes, an hypothesis in line with the requirement for CD4+ cells in CTX-induced long term resistance.
Date20 June 2008
CreatorsLanaya, Hanane
ContributorsPays Etienne, Moser Muriel
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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