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An?lises para viabiliza??o de corredores ecol?gicos e cumprimento de requisitos legais: subs?dios ? efetividade de ?rea protegida e conserva??o de Mata Atl?ntica Setentrional / Analysis for the viabilition of ecological corridors and accomplishment of legal requirements: allowances the effectiveness of protected area and conservation of northern Atlantic forest

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Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A Mata Atl?ntica brasileira, atualmente com apenas cerca de 11,73% da sua vegeta??o original, ? um dos hotspots mundiais de biodiversidade, abrigando animais e plantas amea?ados de extin??o, grande riqueza e endemismo de esp?cies. A situa??o de fragmenta??o em que se encontra ? ainda mais cr?tica em sua por??o setentrional. ?reas Protegidas, em especial Unidades de Conserva??o (UCs), s?o as principais formas de conserva??o da biodiversidade, por meio de esfor?os nacionais e internacionais. Al?m da cria??o de UCs, ? imprescind?vel a efetividade dessas ?reas e, em caso de extensa fragmenta??o, a cria??o de corredores ecol?gicos interligando ?reas protegidas para possibilitar o fluxo g?nico entre esp?cies, ? relevante. A maior parte das UCs criadas no Brasil n?o ? efetiva, e a dificuldade em gerenciar UCs constitui um entrave s?rio ? Conserva??o. Nesse cen?rio e na perspectiva de colaborar para o alcance das metas 11 e 12 de Aichi, bem como dar suporte a um dos objetivos do Plano de A??o Nacional (PAN) para a Conserva??o da Herpetofauna Amea?ada da Mata Atl?ntica nordestina, este estudo teve como objetivos, analisar estrat?gias de implementa??o de instrumentos e pol?ticas p?blicas vi?veis ? cria??o de corredores ecol?gicos em ?rea protegida de Mata Atl?ntica setentrional; analisar o cumprimento dos requisitos legais em prol da cria??o e implementa??o de Unidade de Conserva??o em Mata Atl?ntica nordestina; avaliar os entraves ? efetiva??o de UC, utilizando o Parque Estadual Mata da Pipa (PEMP) como estudo de caso por constituir-se em um dos maiores remanescentes de Mata Atl?ntica do RN, cujo Plano de Manejo prev? ?rea com corredor ecol?gico e que, apesar de criado h? mais de 10 anos, ainda n?o foi implementado. Trata-se de estudo de natureza qualitativa, cuja abordagem de dados foi dividida em duas etapas complementares. Em um primeiro momento realizou-se an?lise documental conceitual e de observa??o do PEMP como situa??o emblema. Para a interpreta??o dos dados foi utilizada a t?cnica da an?lise argumentativa. Na categoriza??o dos dados utilizou-se de argumentos constru?dos a partir de fundamentos socioambientais, desenvolvimento sustent?vel e princ?pios jur?dico-ambientais. Para a an?lise das estrat?gias ? implementa??o de corredores, foi utilizada a ideia de proposi??o, sendo as leis empregadas como dados e os princ?pios jur?dico-ambientais como garantia. Tamb?m como garantia foi adotada a exemplifica??o dos corredores previstos para o PEMP. Em um segundo momento, estudou-se o caso emblema, atrav?s da an?lise documental, realiza??o de entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais, grupo focal e observa??o participante durante reuni?es do Conselho Gestor nos anos 2016 e 2017.1. Constatou-se que a promo??o do desenvolvimento sustent?vel como modo de conservar a Mata Atl?ntica ? a ess?ncia da lei que rege o bioma ? ?nica com regime jur?dico espec?fico. ? fundamental a institui??o de pol?ticas p?blicas que proporcionem efetividade aos comandos legais de modo a impedir a sucess?o do panorama de degrada??o deste bioma, e possibilitar o aumento do percentual existente interconectando seus remanescentes. Quanto aos fundos de recursos, seus gestores devem atentar para a Mata Atl?ntica setentrional, diminuindo as assimetrias regionais em investimentos; os ?rg?os ambientais devem elaborar projetos para beneficiamento. Constatou-se que o ?rg?o ambiental cumpriu os requisitos para a institui??o do PEMP, mas a celeridade comprometeu o resultado; o cumprimento das obriga??es legais com garantia de sua efic?cia, reduz os poss?veis entraves ? implanta??o desta UC; a ocorr?ncia de avan?os na implanta??o da UC por for?a de decis?o judicial e por compromisso ?tico do Conselho Gestor e da Gestora da UC. A implanta??o de UC criada ? um dever legal fundamentado no art. 2? da Lei n? 6938/81 no art. 225 da Constitui??o Federal - CF, no art. 4? da Lei n? 9985/2000 e no princ?pio da preven??o (implicitamente consagrado no art. 225, caput da CF). Constatou-se ainda que o maior problema para a falta de efici?ncia ? estrutural, organizacional da Administra??o P?blica e do Judici?rio, e a falta de prioriza??o na vontade pol?tica. Os obst?culos encontrados s?o comuns ?s UCs estaduais do RN. ? imprescind?vel, urgente e fundamental que a quest?o ambiental seja vista e tratada como um investimento e n?o como gasto adicional. Atitudes antropoc?ntrica e excludente apresentam um s?rio risco ? sobreviv?ncia da pr?pria humanidade. / The Brazilian Atlantic Forest, currently only about 11.73% of its original vegetation, is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots, housing endangered animals and plants, great wealth and species endemism.The situation of fragmentation in which it finds itself is even more critical in its northern portion. Protected Areas, in particular Conservation Units (UCs), are the main forms of biodiversity conservation, through national and international efforts. In addition to the creation of PAs, the effectiveness of these areas is essential and, in case of extensive fragmentation, the creation of ecological corridors interconnecting protected areas to enable gene flow between species is relevant. Most UCs created in Brazil are not effective, and the difficulty in managing UCs constitutes a serious impediment to Conservation. In this scenario and in order to collaborate in the achievement of goals 11 and 12 of Aichi, as well as support one of the objectives of the National Plan of Action (NAP) for the Conservation of the Northeastern Atlantic Forest Herpetofauna, this study had as objectives , To analyze strategies for the implementation of viable public policies and instruments for the creation of ecological corridors in a protected area of the Northern Atlantic Forest; Analyze the fulfillment of legal requirements in favor of the creation and implementation of Conservation Unit in Atlantic Forest Northeastern; (PEMP) as a case study because it is one of the largest remnants of the Atlantic Forest in the RN, whose Management Plan provides for an ecological corridor area and, despite Created more than 10 years ago, has not yet been implemented. This is a qualitative study, whose data approach was divided into two complementary stages. At first, conceptual documentary analysis and observation of the PEMP was carried out as emblematic situation. For the interpretation of the data the argumentative analysis technique was used. In the categorization of the data we used arguments based on socio-environmental foundations, sustainable development and legal and environmental principles. For the analysis of the strategies to the corridor implementation, the idea of proposition was used, the laws being used as data and the juridical-environmental principles as guarantee. Also as a guarantee was adopted the exemplification of corridors planned for the PEMP. In a second moment, the emblem case was studied through documentary analysis, individual semi-structured interviews, focus group and participant observation during meetings of the Management Council in the years 2016 and 2017.1. It was found that the promotion of sustainable development as a way to conserve the Atlantic Forest is the essence of the law governing the biome - unique with a specific legal regime. It is fundamental to institute public policies that provide effectiveness to legal controls in order to prevent the succession of the degradation scenario of this biome, and to enable the increase of the existing percentage interconnecting its remnants. As for resource funds, their managers should pay attention to the Northern Atlantic Forest, reducing regional asymmetries in investments; The environmental agencies must elaborate projects for beneficiation. It was verified that the environmental agency fulfilled the requirements for the establishment of the PEMP, but the celerity compromised the result; The fulfillment of legal obligations with guarantee of its effectiveness, reduces the possible obstacles to the implementation of this CU; The occurrence of advances in the implementation of the UC due to judicial decision and ethical commitment of the Management Council and the Manager of the UC. The creation of created UC is a legal duty based on art. 2 of Law 6938/81 in art. 225 of the Federal Constitution - CF, in art. 4 of Law 9985/2000 and in the principle of prevention (implicitly enshrined in article 225, caput of the CF). It was also verified that the biggest problem for the lack of efficiency is structural, organizational of the Public Administration and the Judiciary, and the lack of prioritization in the political will. Obstacles encountered are common to the state NRCs. It is essential, urgent and fundamental that the environmental issue is seen and treated as an investment and not as an additional expense. Anthropocentric and exclusionary attitudes present a serious risk to the survival of humanity itself.
Date25 August 2017
CreatorsRodrigues, Juliana Garcia Vidal
Contributors10843175400, Guimar?es, Patricia Borba Vilar, 54951631415, Schiavetti, Alexandre, 12352279879, Freire, Eliza Maria Xavier
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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