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Je změna podstatných náležitostí demokratického právního státu nepřípustná? / Does the change of the substantive provisions of the democratic, law-abinding State is impermissible?

Thesis "Does the change of the substantive requisites of the democratic, law-abiding State is really impermissible or unimaginable?" aims to answer the question if it is not really acceptable to change or modify the substantive requisites of the democratic, law-abiding State or their understanding. The main outcome of the work should be practical reflection of these issues. Paper is divided into seven parts. The first part defines the democratic, law-abiding (rule of law) State, Second part deals with the threats to the democratic, law-abiding (rule of law) State - these are the people (populous), elite and international community. Next part deals with the opposite - the system of protection. Fourth part presents comparison of approaches to the question of constitutional amendments and its limitations on examples of several states. Parts five and six are based on the approach of the Czech Constitutional Court to the change or modification of the substantive provisions of the democratic, law- abiding State and their understanding, from both, national and international perspective. The last section is based on past previous sections and tries to answer a title question in a practical and abstract ways; therefore this part is the highlight of the work.
Date January 2014
CreatorsPreuss, Ondřej
ContributorsGerloch, Aleš, Pavlíček, Václav, Bröstl, Alexander
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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