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Kvalitativna ocena sredstava turističke propagande i primenjenog materijala u funkciji unapređenja promotivnih aktivnosti u turizmu / Qualitative evaluation of means of tourist propaganda and the performed cartographic material with the aim of improving promotional activities in tourism

<p>Promocija je termin koji označava sve oblike složenog komuniciranja preduzeća &ndash; pružaoca usluga sa realnim i potencijalnim potro&scaron;ačima, sa dobavljačima, sa poveriocima, sa zaposlenima, sa lokalnom samoupravom i &scaron;irom dru&scaron;tvenom zajednicom. Promocija se u svom strate&scaron;kom delovanju oslanja na sledeće instrumente (alate): propagandu, ličnu prodaju, unapređenje prodaje, odnose s javno&scaron;ću (PR) i publicitet, sponzorstvo, direktni marketing i promociju &bdquo;od usta do usta&ldquo; (word-ofmouth). Propaganda spada u jedan od najstarijih i najmasovnijih promotivnih alata, &scaron;iroko zastupljen u turističkoj delatnosti jer igra veliku ulogu u približavanju turističke ponude (posebno njenih neopipljivih elemenata) potencijalnim potro&scaron;ačima. Propaganda u turizmu za sprovođenje svojih ciljeva i zadataka koristi &scaron;iroku paletu propagandnih sredstava: grafička, oglasna, projekciona, prostorno-plastična, interaktivna sredstva. Prema izvr&scaron;enom istraživanju u na&scaron;oj zemlji usmenoj promociji &bdquo;od usta do usta&ldquo; se jo&scaron; uvek najvi&scaron;e veruje i za njom najče&scaron;će poseže kada se radi o dobijanju validnih informacija o putovanju na neku destinaciju. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su u grupi grafičkih sredstava najznačajnija kombinovana sredstva i prospekti, zahvaljujući svojoj dostupnosti, iscrpnosti podacima i kompleksnosti. U grafičkim sredstvima propagande pažnju turističke publike najvi&scaron;e plene fotografije i to fotografije u punom koloru, čiji pravilno odabrani motivi prenose jasnu, celovitu i istinitu poruku čime se smanjuje potreba za tekstom i &scaron;tedi na obimu ovih sredstava. Geografske karte i skice su od velikog značaja u lak&scaron;em geografskom određenju nekog mesta ili lokaliteta. Veliki deo turističke populacije (&gt; 60%) poklanja pažnju i koristi karte iz propagandnih sredstava. Stoga marketari treba da obrate pažnju pri njihovom planiranju i izradi kako bi se ukupna upotrebna vrednost propagandnih sredstava povećala, a turistima prostor učinio pregledniji i jasniji za snalaženje. Osim &scaron;tampanih sredstava, mediji koji se ističu po svom značaju u informisanju i animiranju turista su neprikosnovena televizija, gde su skoro podjednako značajni svi oblici propagande (reportaže, turistički film, oglasi) i Internet koji predstavlja iznenađenje u dobijenim rezultatima, jer se pretpostavlja da je on jo&scaron; uvek u maloj upotrebi u na&scaron;oj zemlji. Zadaci i karakter turističke propagande zahtevaju odgovarajući kvalitet sredstava i oblika njenog delovanja. Kvalitet je bitan preduslov ako se ima u vidu sve jača konkurencija na turističkom trži&scaron;tu i činjenica da je propaganda značajan činilac turističkog razvoja. &Scaron;ta čini kvalitet sredstava turističke propagande? Na ovo pitanje te&scaron;ko je definisati konačan odgovor, jer su to elementi koje praksa neprekidno menja, usavr&scaron;ava, vizuelno unapređuje. Ipak, neki elementi se mogu meriti, njihove vrednosti kvantificirati i, na kraju, izvesti ocena kvaliteta koja će činiti sastavni element u planiranju budućih propagandnih kampanja i akcija.</p> / <p>Promotion is the term denoting all the ways of complex communication between a company that provides services and real and potential customers, providers, creditors, the employed, local self-government, and with wider social community. In its strategic actions, promotion relies on the following tools: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, sponsorship, direct and database marketing, word-of-mouth marketing. Propaganda is one of the oldest and large-scale promotion tools, widespread in tourist activities because it plays a big role in presenting tourist offer (especially its impalpable elements) to potential customers. Propaganda utilizes wide range of propaganda tools while implementing its aims and tasks: graphic, advertisement tools, projection, space-plastic, and interactive tools. According to the poll conducted in our country, people still rely the most on word-of-mouth promotion, and use it most often when they try to acquire valid information about traveling to a certain destination. The poll established that combined tools and prospects are the most significant in the graphic group of tools because of their availability, abundance of information, and complexity. Among propaganda graphic tools, tourists are most attracted by photographs i.e., full-color photographs with motives that were chosen properly to convey comprehensible, detailed, and true message. Thus, there is less need for text and this economizes on the volume of those tools. Geographic maps and sketches are also of great importance in determining geographical coordinates of a place or locality. Huge percentage of tourists (around 60%) pays attention and uses maps from propaganda tools. Thus, the map-makers should pay good attention when drawing them because that would increase total serviceable value of propaganda tools, and tourists would have a good layout of the area and it would not be hard to find the way. Besides the printed tools, TV and Internet are media tools that are prominent in their importance in informing and animating tourists. With TV, almost all forms of propaganda are equally important: reports, tourist films, advertisements, while Internet was a surprise according to the results because it is still assumed that it is not so wide-spread in our country. Tasks and character of tourist propaganda require certain quality tools and ways of its functioning. Taking into account strong competition at the tourist market and the fact that propaganda is an important element in tourist development, the quality is an important precondition. What makes the quality element in tourist propaganda? It would not be easy to give a definite reply to this question, because these are the elements that are constantly amended, improved, visually upgraded by the practice. However, some elements could be measured, their values qualified, and at the end the evaluation of quality could be produced, and it would then be the integral part of planning future propaganda campaigns and actions.</p>
Date24 March 2008
CreatorsĆurčić Nevena
ContributorsRomelić Jovan, Vasiljev Stevan, Marković Slobodan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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