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Mechanical properties of bulk alloys and cemented carbides

The usage of cobalt (Co) as binder phase material in cemented carbides has been questioned becauseof the potential health hazards associated with cobalt particle inhalation. Cobalt is used because ofits excellent adhesive and wetting properties, combined with adequate mechanical properties. Thepurpose of this work is to investigate the mechanical properties of Fe-Ni bulk alloys and WC-Cocemented carbides using Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) methods com-bined with FEM data. The report investigates the mechanical properties of several bulk alloys inthe Fe-Ni system as a function of void size and fraction. FEM indentation and FEM fracture datais interpolated and used to model the hardnessHand fracture toughnessKIc. A precipitationhardening model based on the Ashby-Orowan’s equation is implemented to predict the e↵ect on theyield strength from precipitated particles. A model for solid solution hardening is also implemented.Existing models are used to simulate the properties of WC-Co cemented carbides together with thesolid solution hardening model. Results show that the simulated properties of the Fe-Ni bulk alloysare comparable to those of cobalt. However, the results could not be confirmed due to a lack ofexperimental data. The properties of WC-Co cemented carbides are in reasonable agreement withexisting experimental data, with an average deviation of the hardness by 11.5% and of the fracturetoughness by 24.8%. The conclusions are that experimental data for di↵erent Fe-Ni bulk alloys isneeded to verify the presented models and that it is possible to accurately model the properties ofcemented carbides. / Anv¨andandet av kobolt (Co) som bindefas-material i h°ardmetall har blivit ifr°agasatt som en f¨oljdav av de potentiella h¨alsoriskerna associerade med inhalering av koboltpartiklar. Kobolt anv¨ands p°agrund av dess utm¨arkta vidh¨aftande och v¨atande egenskaper, kombinerat med tillr¨ackliga mekaniskaegenskaper. Syftet med detta arbete ¨ar att unders¨oka de mekaniska egenskaperna hos Fe-Ni bulklegeringarochWC-Co h°ardmetall genom att anv¨anda Integrated Computational Materials Engineering(ICME) metoder kombinerat med FEM-data. Rapporten unders¨oker de mekaniska egenskapernahos flera bulklegeringar i Fe-Ni systemet. FEM-indentering och FEM-fraktur data interpoleras ochanv¨ands f¨or att modellera h°ardheten H och brottsegheten KIc. En modell f¨or utskiljningsh¨ardningbaserad p°a Ashby-Orowans ekvation implementeras f¨or att f¨oruts¨aga e↵ekten p°a brottgr¨ansen av utskiljdapartiklar. ¨Aven en modell f¨or l¨osningsh¨ardning implementeras. Existerande modeller anv¨andsf¨or att simulera egenskaperna hos WC-Co h°ardmetall tillsammans med modellen f¨or l¨osningsh¨ardning.Resultaten visar att de simulerade egenskaperna hos Fe-Ni bulklegeringar ¨ar j¨amf¨orbara medde f¨or kobolt. Dock kan de inte bekr¨aftas p°a grund av avsaknad av experimentell data. Egenskapernahos WC-Co h°ardmetall st¨ammer rimligt ¨overens med existerande experimentell data, meden genomsnittlig avvikelse av h°ardheten med 11.5% och av brottsegheten med 24.8%. Slutsatserna¨ar att det beh¨ovs experimentell data f¨or Fe-Ni bulklegeringar f¨or att kunna verifiera modellernasnoggrannhet och att det ¨ar m¨ojligt att f¨oruts¨aga egenskaperna hos h°ardmetall.
Date January 2018
CreatorsEngman, Alexander
PublisherKTH, Materialvetenskap
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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