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Prioritized Exploration Strategy Based On Invasion Percolation Guidance

The major aim in search and rescue using mobile robots is to reach trapped survivors and
to support rescue operations through the disaster environments. Our motivation is based
on the fact that a search and rescue (SAR) robot can navigate within and penetrate a
disaster area only if the area in question possesses connected voids Traversability or
penetrability of a disaster area is a primary factor that guides the navigation of a search
and rescue (SAR) robot, since it is highly desirable that the robot, without hitting a dead
end or getting stuck, keeps its mobility for its primary task of reconnaissance and
mapping when searching the highly unstructured environment We propose two novel
guided prioritized exploration system: 1) percolation guided methodology where a
percolator estimates the existence of connected voids in the upcoming yet unexplored
region ahead of the robot so as to increase the efficiency of reconnaissance operation by
the superior ability of the percolation guidance in speedy coverage of the area / 2) the
hybrid exploration methodology that makes the percolation guided exploration
collaborate with entropy based SLAM under a switching control dependent on either
priority given to position accuracy or to map accuracy This second methodology has
proven to combine the superiority of both methods so that the active SLAM becomes
speedy, with high coverage rate of the area as well as accurate in localization.
Date01 January 2010
CreatorsKarahan, Murat
ContributorsErkmen, Aydan
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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